Multiple deaths, bittersweet goodbyes, and not-so-surprising revelations make up season 2, episode 8, “Shadow and Flame.”

In The Rings of Power’s second season finale, we finally got a Galadriel-Sauron face-off that did not disappoint. Though Galadriel did hesitate a little bit when Annatar-looking Sauron transformed into Halbrand (which I don’t blame her because that was, honestly, his best look), she gave her all in the heated battle, even with his breathy comments meant to “woo” her. But I digress. Let’s start from the beginning.

All Is Fair in Love and War

In the last episode, Celebrimbor is left alive only to be tortured by Sauron, who demands to know where the rings of men are. But Celebrimbor refuses and curses Sauron, saying, “Hear me! Shadow of Morgoth. Hear the dying words of Celebrimbor. The rings of power shall destroy you, and, in the end, I foresee one alone shall prove your utter ruin.” Still, Sauron proceeds to kill Celebrimbor, but not before Celebrimbor calls him a “prisoner” of the rings, prompting the Dark Lord to actually shed tears. The Orcs then arrive to take Sauron to Adar.

While attempting to escape with Elven women and children through the underground caves of Eregion, Galadriel offers herself and the nine rings to the Orcs in exchange for the Elves’ lives. She is taken to Adar in the forest—Morgoth’s crown is next to him. She offers to help him destroy Sauron and accepts Adar’s peace deal between Orcs and Elves when Sauron is defeated. She then sees he’s wearing her ring, which removes his Orc-like features. With the agreement in place, he returns the ring to her.

charlie vickers as sauron

Amazon Studios

Just when things seem to be going their way, the Orcs turn against Adar, murdering him on behalf of Sauron. It seems Sauron has worked his charms on the Orcs. He appears before Galadriel, taking Morgoth’s crown and exacting his revenge on Adar. This is when the fight between Galadriel and Sauron begins, as he demands her ring and the rings of men. Throughout their battle, Sauron makes some remarks that Galadriel-Sauron shippers would eat up, including when he was turned into Halbrand: “Fighting at your side. If I could just hold onto that feeling.”

However, she does not fall for it, telling him, “We are not alike. We never were. Just another of your illusions.”

He responds thoughtfully, “Not all of it.”

She rejects his offer to be his queen again, and they fight even harder, resulting in her getting stabbed by Morgoth’s crown. He takes the nine rings and demands her ring. She pretends briefly to be under his spell, taking off the ring to hand it to him, but instead, she jumps off the cliff with the ring in hand.

Back at the battle at Eregion, the Orcs have fully taken over the castle and overpowered Arondir, Elrond, and Gil-galad, taking them as prisoners. Just when all seems lost, the Dwarven army of Khazad-dûm arrives to save the day.

Gil-galad, Elrond, and Arondir rush to find Galadriel, who has fallen from great heights while fighting against the darkness burned into her body by Morgoth’s crown. Gil-galad’s ring alone can’t heal her, but when combined with the powers of Galadriel’s ring, Elrond and Gil-galad are able to save Galadriel. She awakens to be greeted by the three Elves, with Elrond returning her ring. Gil-galad tells her about Sauron’s advance towards Middle-earth, and the Elves begin to prepare for war.

morfydd clark as galadriel benjamin walker as high king gil galad ismael cruz cordova as arondir
Amazon Studios

No Country for Old Men

Meanwhile, at Númenor, Pharazôn has gathered the leaders of the Faithful, accusing them of working with Sauron to help Míriel survive the sea challenge. They, and those who follow the Faithful, are deemed traitors to the kingdom and are swiftly arrested.

Eärien alerts her father of Pharazôn’s attack on the Faithful. Elendil rushes to take Míriel away from Númenor, but she insists on staying as a symbol to her people. Before she is arrested, she gifts Elendil his sword, “Narsil” (which is the same sword in *spoiler alert* The Lord of the Rings that cuts the ring from Sauron’s finger), and he leaves to find others to help overthrow Pharazôn.

It seems like Númenor isn’t the only place dealing with Pharazôn’s new rule. Kemen and his soldiers arrive at Pelargir, the Southlands refugee camp, and begin to give orders to the nomads. Kemen declares himself commander of Pelargir, which he claims as a new fortress for the Númenor soldiers. They call for nomads to work for them to gather timber to create King’s Pharazôn’s armada.

Kemen is shocked to see Isildur alive and tells him of the changes made in Númenor, including his father, Pharazôn, becoming its new ruler. Isildur, who had just declared his love to Estrid (and vice versa), is set to leave Pelargir to return to Númenor and requests to bring Estrid. However, he she rejects him and hesitantly returns to her betrothed.

maxim baldry as isildur nia towle as estrid
Amazon Studio

Though we do know Isildur and Elendil are safe from the rings of men (because of lore), I can imagine Sauron giving the rings to both Pharazôn and Kemen, as their thirst for power expands beyond the reach of just ruling the land. Pharazôn is already dabbling with the idea of magic through the palantír—it’s only a matter of time before Sauron reaches their weak minds.

Trouble in the Mountains

Prince Durin finds Disa looking over the slain and injured Dwarves attacked by the King, who has been digging deeper into the mines, slowly waking the Balrog. Durin goes after his father, demanding that he remove his ring, but it is too late. He breaks through the barrier where the Balrog lives, prompting the monster to attack them. It’s only then that the King realizes his mistake and removes his ring, placing it on the ground. He sacrifices himself to face the Balrog alone, causing the newly formed cave entrance to collapse between his son (and the rest of the Dwarves) and the Balrog. The Dwarves mourn for the loss of King Durin.

the balrog
Amazon Studios

Later, Durin is updated about the Dwarves’ battle in Eregion. He tells them that Khazad-dûm will aid the Elves if they face trouble again. Disa tells her husband that the King’s passing comes with its own issues: the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains want to be compensated for what they paid to Durin III; the other Dwarf Lords lay claim to the throne, including Durin IV’s brother; and let’s not forget, there’s still a Balrog underground.

It’s Been Gandalf All Along

In the dead of the night, Stranger chooses to save his friends and finds the Stoors’ home base empty. The Dark Wizard welcomes the Stranger and feeds him lies about joining forces to fight Sauron, having the Stranger believe that Poppy and Nori are safe when they’re actually hostages to the Skeleton Riders. Proving he’s a “good guy,” the Dark Wizard attacks the head Skeleton Rider, forcing the rest of the riders to retreat. He then offers the Stranger the chance to learn about his past and purpose in fighting Sauron, and both take the Dark Lord’s place. When the Stranger rejects the Dark Wizard, the latter leashes hell on the Stoors by collapsing their homes under rumble. The Stranger magically holds the rocks up momentarily, allowing Nori, Poppy, and the Stoors to escape.

markella kavenagh as nori daniel weyman as gandalf
Amazon Studios

In the aftermath of the Dark Wizard’s attack, Nori is determined to fix the Stoors’ home, but Poppy advises that some things cannot be fixed and they should all move on and rebuild what they can. Poppy and Nori go with the Stoors, searching for a new home. Nobody and Gundabale thank The Stranger, calling him “Grand Elf” (which, when said together, sounds like Gandalf) because they’ve never seen an Elf before and think he may be one. Nori and the Stranger part ways, as Nori must find her path with the Stoors, and the Stranger must discover his own as well. While on his way back to Tom Bombadil, the Stranger finds his staff and believes he passed the test that Tom (and nature) has given him: choosing friendship above all else. At Tom’s, the Stranger announces his new name: Gandalf.

I don’t know if this revelation is meant to be as shocking as learning Halbrand was Sauron from last season, but at least we can confirm what we have all known. Now that Gandalf knows himself, the real work behind becoming one of the most powerful wizards begins.