After The Walking Dead‘s main TV series ended, the franchise produced multiple spinoffs to keep the story going, and one forgotten hero could bring fresh life to the franchise with their own show. The Walking Dead season 11’s finale wrapped up the main storyline, but intentionally left the door open for more, providing the opportunity to continue the main survivors’ journeys. With The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Lives trailer revealing the return of Rick and Michonne, the series looks to have no end in sight, and bringing back a forgotten hero could help its future.
If spinoff shows are going to be the direction going forward for The Walking Dead, new ideas will need to be formed to avoid things getting stale again. Having some of the show’s biggest protagonists return in their own unique stories has been compelling and will get even better when Rick and Michonne return, but The Walking Dead has to branch out more. Given all the different forms of media they have, simply following characters who have plenty of live-action stories will become repetitive. However, one character would be perfect for a spinoff and could carry The Walking Dead‘s future.
A Clementine Walking Dead Show Would Change The Franchise’s Future
Clementine Getting Her Own Show Would Be Massive For The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead has used a lot of characters and stories in a live-action format, but a Clementine spinoff would be huge for the franchise’s future. Clementine is the protagonist of Telltale’s The Walking Dead video game series and is easily one of the most likable characters in any Walking Dead medium. Growing from a scared kid to an independent survivor provides Clementine with one of the most compelling stories in the apocalypse. The franchise has often struggled with child characters, and the bad reaction to Carl Grimes’ Walking Dead death proved how much they struggled to utilize younger characters.
Judith is arguably the best young character in the show, but Clementine’s journey exemplifies how well-written youthful characters can be. With the current spinoffs all being tied to the main series, a Clementine spinoff would give fans something new and separate to get invested in. There is no more Fear The Walking Dead or World Beyond to offer a break from the main characters, and Clementine could fill that void. She would still offer crossover potential, but replicating her story from the games in live-action could rival The Walking Dead at its peak if done correctly.
There Are Already Several Seasons Worth Of Storylines For A Clementine Show
Clementine Has Four Games Worth Of Stories To Tell

Since The Walking Dead spinoffs tend to last multiple seasons, Clementine is an even better fit for her own show, given she already has seasons worth of stories to tell. There are four Telltale The Walking Dead games, all of which feature Clementine. She is the protagonist in the second and fourth game, an incredibly significant character in the first, and plays a big role in the third. Adapting these stories to a spinoff would provide at least four seasons worth of content and there is always the potential to develop new stories and make changes to the games.
Following the games may mean the third installment needs some adaptation and should focus more on Clementine for her own show to make sense. However, the game’s biggest criticism was how much it featured Javier over Clem, and tweaking this to provide more of Clementine’s story during this time would likely be a welcome change. With so many great characters, like Lee, Kenny, Luke, and Jane, there is huge potential for a live-action series. The Walking Dead‘s Clementine and The Last of Us‘ Ellie share comparisons that would prove Clem’s story could rival the quality of HBO’s hit show.
Clementine’s relationship with Lee will arguably hit just as hard as Ellie’s does with Joel and would create some healthy competition between the shows. Given how many stories Clementine already has, giving her a spinoff would help carry the franchise forward and even provide further spinoff potential for the characters from her show
Clementine Would Be A Standout Protagonist To Build The Future Around
Adding Clementine To The Live Action Walking Dead Universe Would Set Up The Franchise’s Future

With Clementine being one of The Walking Dead‘s most likable characters, she would be the perfect protagonist to build the future around. Time skips in the main show prove that the future could be centered around some of the franchise’s younger survivors, with Judith potentially becoming The Walking Dead‘s main character. While this would have potential, Clementine is a more reliable character who gaming audiences have already grown to love and fans of the TV show could as well. Having Clem be a big part of the future alongside the likes of Judith and R.J. would be a safer bet.
Clementine has experience of being a protagonist and so long as she was written and cast well, her gaming story would translate well to TV. The spinoff would have to carefully consider the games’ decision-making elements, its most popular characters, and what made Clementine so great, but nailing this would give The Walking Dead a positive future. It may require hiring multiple actresses to match each stage of Clementine’s life or leaving several years between seasons to have one actress fit Clementine’s story. However, perfecting a live-action Clementine is The Walking Dead‘s best chance at a lengthy future.
Clementine’s Story Is An Excuse To Bring Back Classic Walking Dead Characters
Clementine Meets Some Of The Walking Dead’s Main Characters In The Video Games

Bringing Clementine’s story to TV is also a great excuse to feature some classic Walking Dead characters. Some prominent characters in the show feature in the game, albeit the game has its own universe and timeline. Having Clementine’s spinoff be canon with the main series could give the show the opportunity to bring back older characters so long as the timeline allows it. The first game takes place at the very start of the apocalypse and features Hershel and Glenn. While Scott Wilson would sadly be unable to reprise his role, Clementine’s story could reference him and feature Hershel’s farm.
Steven Yeun could also return as Glenn. He may look older than his character did at the start of the apocalypse, but it is something fans would be willing to overlook to have a fan-favorite return. Tom Payne’s return would also be possible since his character, Jesus, features in the third game and could fit Clementine’s story timeline-wise. If the spinoff opted to tell new stories or alter the games, it could feature other popular characters from the main show. The chance to feature old characters only helps the case for giving Clementine her own The Walking Dead show.