The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon‘s move to Spain hints at the possibility of introducing Rick’s brother, but the franchise’s history suggests the spinoff may squander this opportunity. Given the TV universe has lasted 10 years, it’s hard to imagine The Walking Dead adding many more major characters to the story, let alone another member of the Grimes family, yet Rick’s younger brother could still be alive. In a one-shot comic, Jeffrey Grimes was officially welcomed to the zombie universe but unfortunately died while attempting to leave Spain; however, Daryl Dixon season 3 could give Rick’s brother a different fate.
Rather than wasting the potential of such an influential figure, the spinoff could reveal that he’s still out there and even make him a permanent member of the TV franchise. The Grimes brothers never cross paths in the comics since Jeffery was in Spain when the outbreak started, but having him survive this long into the apocalypse means he may be a skilled survivor who shares some of Rick’s selfless traits. Therefore, Daryl Dixon could build towards Jeffrey and Rick’s reunion in season 3, but The Walking Dead‘s track record indicates that this heartwarming moment is unlikely to happen.
Daryl Dixon Seasons 1-2 Ignored The Franchise’s France Connections & Season 3 Could Do The Same With Spain
The Spinoff Has Missed Some Key Opportunities To Expand On The Walking Dead’s Lore

With The Walking Dead World Beyond teasing the outbreak originating in France, Daryl Dixon had the perfect chance to explore the apocalypse’s origins, but the decision to ignore it means the show may do the same with Jeffrey in Spain. The Walking Dead has always been more about characters and morality rather than the zombies themselves, but exploring the mystery of how they were created is something fans have wanted for a long time. Daryl Dixon‘s first two seasons were the perfect time to do that given the show’s location, but the spinoff chose to disregard these connections.
Rather than Daryl and Carol learning about how the virus started and gaining knowledge about a potential cure, France’s story focused on power and hope. The narrative still worked as Daryl Dixon is one of the best Walking Dead spinoffs, but avoiding France’s important role in the franchise has felt like a wasted opportunity. Spain holds a lot less significance, but the fact that Jeffrey was located here before everything started means the show should really feature him or at least address his fate. Sadly, based on seasons 1 and 2, it probably won’t happen.
Why Daryl Dixon Season 3 SHOULD Introduce Rick Grimes’ Brother
Rick’s Brother Would Add More Interest To Daryl’s Reunion With The Protagonist

Although Daryl Dixon‘s previous installments point toward the spinoff ignoring Jeffrey Grimes, the show should feature Rick’s brother when it returns in 2025. He may not have much of a legacy in the comics, but the TV series could turn Jeffrey into a central survivor by bringing him back to America. Making him as popular as Rick would be an impossible task, but Jeffrey’s surname alone gives fans a reason to care about him, and it would be a truly unique dynamic to have the Grimes brothers share the screen.
Jeffrey’s presence in Daryl Dixon would add more hype to Daryl and Rick’s reunion which has been years in the making, and the younger Grimes brother making it to the US would all but confirm that Rick will appear again.
Having Jeffrey meet Rick’s family would be incredibly wholesome, and he probably has loved ones of his own who would make the trip with him. As a result, his arrival at the Commonwealth would add a bunch of major players to the franchise, which sets up an exciting future. Additionally, Jeffrey’s presence in Daryl Dixon would add more hype to Daryl and Rick’s reunion which has been years in the making, and the younger Grimes brother successfully traveling to the US would all but confirm that Rick will appear again, creating an inevitability about his highly anticipated scene with Daryl.