The Canadian actor Keanu Reeves The 57-year-old sparked rumors of an engagement after paparazzi “caught” him buying a ring at a jewelry store in Los Angeles. All this followed four years of relationship with the artist Alexandra Grant (48), writes The Daily Mail.
Namely, the actor has not been married so far, and now he finally seems ready to propose to his girlfriend who celebrates her birthday on April 4. Sources say that Keanu stayed in the jewelry store for about 40 minutes. The rings at the jewelry store were reportedly adorned with emeralds, tanzanite, and other semi-precious stones.
The actor arrived on a motorcycle, wearing a black jacket with the words “Oscar by Alpine Stars” written on it, jeans and brown shoes. He completed this casual combination with a gray scarf and sunglasses.
Reeves and Alexandra have been in a relationship since 2018, and they discovered the relationship a year later when they walked the red carpet together. They appeared at the Museum of Modern Art in Los Angeles, and proved that they have nothing more to hide by posing cheerfully in front of photographers, not separating from each other. Keanu looked proud to have a woman with him who “captured” his heart.