Fletcher Cox was quite pleased to watch the NFL from his own house this year. The former defensive lineman was all ready to support the Eagles as a fan, but the team’s recent performance has left him terribly unhappy. It is commonly known that the Eagles lost a close game against the Falcons 21-22. The game was so outstanding that it continues to be spoken about throughout the industry.

Many analysts are still unable to believe what went wrong for the Eagles in this game and maybe Cox has answered this for all. Cox appeared at 94WIP Afternoon, where he discussed his opinions on the game. The former NFL player was furious with the team and heavily criticized the Eagles’ weak area, which was defense. Not only that, Cox stated that such a poor performance from a squad with such high expectations is unacceptable.

The NFL legend stated, “I went and looked at some things, I texted a couple of guys and said, ‘Y’all have to be better than this.’ For a team to average, I think 7.8 yards a carry, that’s not Philadelphia’s defense. It’s Week 1, but it’s unacceptable.”

Fans are full of questions following these brutal statements. Everyone right now wants to know what advice the former defensive lineman has for his old team. More than that, would he prefer to make this advice given to his team while coming again on the field?

Can Fletcher Cox come out from the early retirement he took?

The Eagles’ former defensive lineman decided to retire at 33, which means he might have a few more years left in him. However, it is well known how everyone appreciated his decision of retiring early on his terms. Even after this decision, there remains some hope among supporters that Cox might return from retirement. Maybe if the Eagles do not perform well, we may see him back on the field.

But, when one reporter asked the former footballer about a potential comeback, his response was a big fat no. Fletcher Cox stated, “No, I did what I needed to do. The Eagles organization was great to me for 12 years and I was very blessed to be there and actually retire as an Eagle. There will be no return. When I made this decision, I made it with no regrets myself.”

This plainly shows that the Eagles will need to find another answer for their defense this season. It would be intriguing to see how they will do this given that the season has only just begun. What are your opinions on Fletcher Cox’s remarks about the Eagles? Do you agree with him?