Despite starting the show as friends, Rick and Shane’s relationship deteriorated throughout The Walking Dead‘s first two seasons, and one subtle insult from Shane about…
Hawkins is remembered for his role as Heath in The Walking Dead. The Piano Lesson TIFF Special Presentation | Netflix / Mat Hayward/GettyImages…
It’s been six years since the first Black Panther film was released (Picture: Dave J Hogan/Dave J Hogan/Getty Images)Hollywood star Danai Gurira has sparked hope…
A little-known Gears of War chainsaw glitch leads to a shockingly gruesome Snatcher death, and, naturally, fans are loving it!In the gory, viscera-soaked…
The Walking Dead is no stranger to character death. Whether at the hands of the Walkers or other humans, many characters in the group…
*SPOILERS AHEAD If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know about Carl is that he…
Quite the journey. Over the course of The Walking Dead‘s 11 seasons, many stars have come and gone. While some have had shocking deaths…
AMC Theaters experienced a significant drop in revenue during the three months ending in June, with earnings falling nearly 24% from $1.35 billion…