This marriage is a bit crowded. One of the most pivotal scenes in House of the Dragon’s “A Son for a Son,” season 2’s…

If you hated when the ratcatcher Cheese kicked his dog in House of the Dragon season 2 episode 1, and cheered when the little fella…

Helaena definitely called it. House of the Dragon’s second season is finally here and bloody civil war within House Targaryen is expected to cover…

Game of Thrones spinoff A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms has commenced filming, with the lead cast all but confirmed. The drama fantasy series, which was…

If only they paid more attention. One of the reasons why the conflict between Team Black and Team Green is so difficult to…

And he’ll get even worse now. While there are very few House of the Dragon characters who have done nothing wrong, some are generally more…

And we really hope it succeeds. Legend has it that Game of Thrones was pitched to HBO as “The Sopranos in Middle-earth” — and that was…

During the preview for episode two of House of the Dragon, we saw a glimpse of a man who fans are speculating could…

The ways in which every character dies in the House of the Dragon books is something that needs to be studied because they’re…