Negan hugging Lydia and Negan facing off with Rick in The Walking Dead. 

Dead City is the first spinoff to air following the conclusion of The Walking Dead, bringing back fan-favorite characters Negan Smith and Maggie Rhee. The first episode pulled the audience in by introducing the main plot and fresh characters.

While new characters are great to keep viewers engaged, dedicated fans are exceptionally curious about the character development of the long-running characters. Negan has had one of the most significant evolutions in the franchise, evolving from one of the most dangerous villains into a redeemed hero. To understand the complexity of Negan’s unique personality, it’s important to understand the characters that influenced his previous storyline.



Negan hugs Lydia in The Walking Dead

One reason The Walking Dead is the best zombie show is because of the amazing, complicated relationships. Lydia and Negan became friends at a time when they both were outcasts within Alexandria, trying to cope with their past while fitting into the present.

Even after Negan kills Lydia’s mother, they continue to have a relationship of understanding and mutual respect. Befriending this young girl, that was just as lost as him, was an important milestone for Negan’s redemption arc. The relationship highlighted that he can find people who understand him, even if he can’t convince everyone he’s changed.


Negan and Alpha kiss in The Walking Dead

For a while, The Walking Dead had viewers convinced that Negan was actually interested in being a part of The Whisperers group. In a surprising turn of events, he ends up killing Alpha, revealing he was playing on his experience as a villain to trick her and gain the trust of others, especially Carol.

Negan later admits to enjoying the powerful feeling he got by being respected by another group of evildoers. However, his decision to stay loyal to the Alexandrians proved that no matter how enticing his old ways were, he was dedicated to doing the right thing.


Negan tormenting Rick Grimes and Carl Grimes in The Walking Dead

Rick was key in Negan’s evolution as a new protagonist. Before Rick’s group, Negan thought he was invincible and could continue to live out his dictatorship. By underestimating the heroes, he was shown what it’s like to be so loyal to others that people would risk everything to keep them safe.

Rick’s merciful act was undeniably a huge influence on Negan. Though this resulted in his imprisonment for years, it also outlined that good people can be kind while also making hard decisions to keep a community thriving. While Negan’s demeanor hasn’t completely changed, his sobering outlook on people and the world is complemented by Rick’s lesson on how to lead a community with respect and justice.


Sasha and Negan chatting in The Walking Dead

Some characters had a serious influence on Negan’s change, while others made him question what he thought about people in this post-apocalyptic world. This was the case when Sasha invaded the Savior’s compound and was imprisoned.

Instead of acting as a bargaining tool to get Alexandria to comply with Negan, Sasha chose to take her own life, reanimating in front of the Saviors as well as the Alexandrians. This initially angered the villainous Negan, though it was actions like this that proved to him these people were more resilient and loyal than he ever could have imagined.


Carl Grimes wearing his hat in Alexandria the Walking Dead

Negan repeatedly threatened to kill Carl to control Rick, but there was no denying he respected and even cared for the teenager. He admitted to admiring Carl’s spirit, even though he clearly reflected Rick’s personality, and hoped to one day have children with the same demeanor.

After the tragic loss of Carl in TWD Season 8, Negan even showed remorse over the death. This didn’t deter him from continuing the war, but the loss of Carl had a direct impact on Negan’s future. Had Rick not lost his son, he wouldn’t have had the desire to spare Negan to create the peaceful world Carl yearned for.


Cailey Fleming as Judith Grimes on The Walking Dead

After the time jump in Season 9, Judith Grimes is more than a face in the background. She is kind to Negan, despite knowing why he’s imprisoned, and even convinces him to return to his imprisonment when he attempts to escape.

Negan befriends young Judith, respecting her kind and intelligent personality that makes it clear she’s far more mature than others her age. The young girl, despite all the pain Negan caused her family, becomes an ally that even defends him against Michonne when her mother suggests he’ll never change. Negan’s act of bravery when Judith is trapped in a storm solidified to the audience he has changed, and it was an important first step in getting the others in Alexandria to see his growth.


Negan looking at Maggie in a scene from The Walking Dead.

Fans were anxiously awaiting the episode in which Maggie would return and find out Negan was released from his cell and living in their community. Villainous Negan significantly defined Maggie’s change throughout the later seasons, with his murdering her husband forever changing her demeanor.

Though Negan apologized for his wrongdoings and has made peace with what he can’t change, Maggie is looking more and more like a problem he can’t escape. As they begin their journey in the new Dead City spinoff, it’s clear their shaky alliance will continue to remind Negan of his villainous past.

3Hershel Rhee

Hershel up in a tree in The Walking Dead. 

In the same vein as Maggie, she and Glenn’s son, Hershel, is a piece of the past Negan can’t forget and move past. After the return of Maggie and Hershel, the young boy figures out Negan was the man that killed his father, resulting in Negan making a pact with the boy to fight out their inescapable past when Hershel is old enough.

In Dead City, Hershel is not just a reminder of Glenn’s death and Maggie’s vengeance. He is the catalyst that reunited Maggie and Negan, prompting the two to journey to Manhattan for a rescue mission. Now that Hershel is a teenager, it’s likely he and Negan will have another tense interaction regarding the pain Negan caused their family.


Negan reads to Lucille in The Walking Dead

There are many characters that have played a part in Negan’s redemption arc. However, Negan’s most defining experience, which led to his infamous villain persona and the creation of the Saviors, was the loss of his first wife, Lucille.

Prior to the apocalypse, Negan was a terrible husband to Lucille. However, in the wake of the nightmarish world of the undead, Negan’s one mission was to protect and care for his sick wife. After she takes her own life, he has nobody else in the world to care about besides himself, prompting his evil ways. There’s no doubt the loss of Lucille continued to haunt Negan, made obvious by him naming his iconic bat after her and interacting with it as if it’s not just a weapon but a companion.


Annie and Negan in The Walking Dead

Negan’s best move throughout TWD is leaving the Alexandria community to find his own way. This led him to another group, where he met and fell in love with Annie. She accepted him, despite his past, and became the one person he knew was entirely loyal to him, and he returned the dedication.

Negan proved his new outlook to the survivors when he was ready to die in Season 11 to save Annie and their unborn child. Though it has yet to be revealed if Annie will have a role in Dead City, fans know his driving motivation is the newfound family that accepts him as he is.