George R.R. Martin’s use of a 5-year time jump in Game Of Thrones would have worked wonders if the show had decided to use it.

george r.r. martin, hbo’s ‘game of thrones’

Game of Thrones which was adapted from a series of fantasy novels by George R.R. Martin titled A Song of Ice and Fire, took the world by storm by becoming one of the most popular television shows of all time. The series ended its 8th season with a staggering 10 million viewers tuning in to watch it reach its culmination on HBO.

George R.R. MartinA still from Game Of Thrones written by George R.R. Martin (image credit: HBO)
Martin had originally created a 5-year time skip after a significant event in the novels that opened up the next set of plot lines in the narrative. The show though, did not incorporate this aspect of the author’s writing into the seasons. But looking back, this time skip could have fixed a few of the loopholes that affected the continuity of the story.

This Writing Tool By George R.R. Martin Could Have Made Game Of Thrones More Seamless

As far as books-to-screen adaptations go, Game Of Thrones has staked its claim as one of the most successful series to have been created. Novelist George R.R. Martin’s mystical medieval world of war and revenge became one of the most watched series of all time among audiences across the world spanning 8 seasons.
Game Of ThronesEmilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen In Game Of Thrones (image credit: HBO)
But even the best of works are not infallible and could possess certain flaws that do not escape discerning viewers. One of the theories on YouTube analyzes a particular aspect of the novels which the series chose not to incorporate in its narrative.

Right after the War of the Five Kings, which was a significant epic battle fought for the reign of the Iron Throne, Martin wrote a planned 5-year time skip as an important segue into the next part of the plot. The HBO series though, chose not to use this device, which in hindsight, could have been a smoother way to open Season 5 with regard to where the characters stood and what their predicaments were.

To begin with, the time jump could have helped explain Arya Stark’s arc better with regard to her training under Jaqen and the faceless assassins which was never shown in the series. This could have been justified through the 5-year period.

Meanwhile Daenerys Targaryen could have used this period to become a trusted leader by ruling Meereen, instead of moving from kingdom to kingdom to free slaves without having a definite leadership plan.

Similarly, Arya’s brother Bran’s path to becoming the all powerful Greenseer could have also been fleshed out in a more comprehensible manner. From being clueless about the power behind his visions to conquering them, this transition would have made a lot more sense through the 5-year time skip.
Sophie TurnerSophie Turner as Sansa Stark (image credit: HBO)
Arya’s other sibling Sansa played by Sophie Turner could have also been helped by the time jump during which she and Lord Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger could have conquered ValeThese small but significant tweaks to the narrative aided by Martin’s timeline could have moved Season 4 into Season 5 in a smoother manner.

This Game Of Thrones Star Wanted George R.R. Martin To Change His Character’s Predicament

King Euron III Greyjoy also known as Crow’s Eye, is one of the main antagonists in George R. R. Martin’s Game Of Thrones series that took the world by storm. The character played by actor Pilou Asbaek, is a feared pirate who is known for his ruthless acts including r*ping countless women, pillaging territories, and enslaving many people across the oceans.
Euron GreyjoyPilou Asbaek as Euron Gregjoy in Game Of Thrones (image credit: HBO)
Greyjoy also has a complex relationship with Cersei Lannister, portrayed by Lena Headey, in which both characters are seen using each other for their gain. The show which ended after the 8th and final season, received criticism from audiences who felt that it was too rushed and eager to tie the loose ends a little too quickly.

Meanwhile, Asbaek had his own bone to pick with for the way in which his villainous Grejoy arc was culminated in the series. While Martin’s novel showcased many chilling and powerful nuances to the character, the series could not portray the depth of these aspects that made Euron Greyjoy a force of nature.

In the end, the antagonist meets his death in the hands of Cersei’s brother Jamie Lannister following a bloody duel. This ending did not sit well with Asbaek who spoke about what he had envisioned for the pirate.
Cersei and EuronLena Headey as Cersei Lannister and Pilou Asbaek as Euron Greyjoy (image credit: HBO)
In a lighthearted statement that was addressed to Cersei Lannister during an award appearance in Madrid, he revealed that he had texted the author elaborating on why he believed his character was hard done by in the show.

The books should end with our wedding, saying yes over two marvellous elephants, ideally. George seems not to be online. Would you mind phoning him? And what about tweeting that I was and will always be the love of your life? I miss you. Yours, Pilou. Please do it for your salty boy, blondie.

The actor then turned his attention to Nikolaj Coster-Waldau who portrayed Jamie Lannister to remind him that he was defeated him in the deadly fight and not the other way around. Asbaek remains the only star to have openly addressed issues with his character directly to Martin. 

The actor though, defended criticisms of the show in an interview in The Wrap by stating that it was virtually impossible to satisfy every viewer around the world. What he expected was for people to immerse themselves into the narrative and get fully involved even if it meant that there were instances of backlash.

All 8 seasons of Game Of Thrones can be streamed on Max.