The show sometimes operates in the gray area of content that doesn’t quite contradict Tolkien’s stories, which would break the rules of its deal with the Tolkien Estate. The Rings of Power doesn’t have the rights to adapt the source material closest to its subject matter, so it creates original characters and settings to fill in the blanks of the stories it can’t adapt. Since Tom Bombadil is one of The Rings of Power characters from the books, the show must manage his story carefully, as well as the opportunity to communicate his myth to modern audiences.
Tom Bombadil Is Confirmed To Be In Rhûn During The Rings Of Power Season 2
The Rings Of Power Season 2 Creates An Original Storyline For Tom Bombadil

According to showrunners, Tom Bombadil will be in Rhûn in The Rings of Power season 2. This means he will not be in his usual and canonical realm. Speaking to Vanity Fair, showrunners J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay explain how Tom Bombadil appears in The Rings of Power season 2. They confirm that they apply the original plot point of having him have a home in Rhûn, which is in the far east of Middle-earth. This is the land that The Stranger is heading to with Nori at the end of season 1.
In the books, Sauron is said to hold more sway in Rhûn. The Rings of Power sets up Rhûn in a similar way, suggesting that the Sauron-worshipping witches in season 1 are from Rhûn. Investigating his origins in season 2, The Stranger will be placed in danger in Rhûn, although The Rings of Power hints he is Gandalf, meaning he’ll survive whatever threat that may be. Payne and McKay have confirmed that Bombadil will bump into The Stranger and nudge him on the right path. It looks like Bombadil may play the role of protector on the side of good in Rhûn, a line of defense against the encroaching darkness.
Tom Bombadil Is Only Powerful Within The Old Forest In The Lord Of The Rings
Tom Bombadil’s Power In The Books Is Tied To His Realm

In the books, Tom Bombadil is a powerful, primordial spirit, “the Master of wood, water, and hill,” but his power fades beyond the borders of his realm. He says in The Fellowship of the Ring, “Out east my knowledge fails.Tom is not master of Riders from the Black Land far beyond his country.” Tom has total power in his home in the Withywindle, on the outskirts of the Shire, between the Old Forest and the Barrow-Downs. He does not exploit it to lead others, rather he uses it to help nature along.
The Rings of Power season 2 faces a challenge to nail his neutral, enigmatic character
Tom’s tie to his realm fits into Tolkien’s depiction of him as a symbol of nature and its neutral progress. Tom errs on the side of good, sheltering the Hobbits in their time of need, but never participates in the war central to the movies. Tom Bombadil is cut from the movies, and perhaps this is why. Similarly, The Rings of Power season 2 faces a challenge to nail his neutral, enigmatic character. Out of his woodland element in the deserts of Rhûn and assisting the Stranger, the show’s take on Bombadil may be both less neutral and less powerful than the Bombadil of the lore.
Removing Tom Bombadil’s Power Makes Him Less Interesting For The Rings Of Power
Tom Bombadil Is Great In The Books As A Divine Being

The Rings of Power season 2 risks reducing Tom Bombadil from his original stature if it makes key changes to his character, such as rendering him less powerful or less neutral. There are many reasons why introducing Tom Bombadil could be a mistake in The Rings of Power, even though Rory Kinnear is well-placed to drive a strong characterization, and may be able to navigate the changes with tact. The show may or may not acknowledge Bombadil’s lack of power in the East.
Tom Bombadil’s legendary status as a character in literature derives from his mystery and power, so breaking this down in the show into a more straightforward character with loyalties, weaknesses, and clear goals may dispel some of the magic that Tolkien created. Placing Bombadil in Rhûn creates fewer opportunities to show Bombadil’s oneness with nature, which could translate well to TV screens. Payne offered clues as to the direction the show will take: “he sort of defies the tonal shift of the rest of the season and is a real point of light amidst an otherwise sea of darkness.”
Perhaps it is exactly bringing Bombadil to Rhûn and juxtaposing him with the threat of Sauron that will create the impact needed to communicate the original symbolism and depth of this classic character. After all, Bombadil’s levity and love of song is another key element of his character. Taking a darker tone in season 2, perhaps The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power could explain Tom Bombadil as a bringer of light and joy in dark times.