Fallout has revealed what the franchise’s true ultimate weapon is, and here is how Vault-Tec wields it to their advantage in the apocalypse.


According to the Fallout TV show, the ultimate weapon of destruction is time, and here is why that is. Fallout is a franchise about the world after nuclear bombs dropped, with mass atomic weaponry being at the very core of the series’ identity. However, rather than saying guns or nuclear weapons, the Fallout show points to time as the true weapon of mass destruction, causing many fans to wonder if this notion is actually right.

The Fallout TV show is finally here, with Amazon Prime Video’s highly anticipated adaptation of the beloved video game franchise of the same name now released in full on the streaming service. The critically acclaimed series brings the world of Fallout into live-action for the first time, with it following three characters from three different corners of the franchise: Lucy the Vault Dweller, Maximus the Brotherhood of Steel Squire, and Cooper Howard the Ghoul. While these characters are powerful, there is one weapon that they are no match against: time.

Vault-Tec’s Claim That Time Is The “Ultimate Weapon Of Destruction” In Fallout Explained

Why Is It So Powerful?

Ella Purnell as Lucy with a bloodied uniform as someone is treated behind her in Fallout
Fallout Vault-Tec Company 2 The Repconn rep seated with a nametag and microphone in front of them in Fallout Fallout Vault 4 3 Fallout Vault-Tec Company 3

Although most of Fallout takes place long after the apocalypse, several scenes feature flashbacks to the pre-war era, with these centering on the activities of the Vault-Tec company. One scene shows several people at a Vault-Tec meeting, with them discussing the future of Vault-Tec in the wake of inevitable nuclear warfare. One of the Vault-Tec employees then explains that they will be fine due to them having time, the “ultimate weapon of destruction,” on their side.

When saying this, Vault-Tec means that they will not win the war of capitalism by force, but by outlasting their opponents. Due to the Vault-Tec business model, the company is one of the few that will remain after the apocalypse occurs, giving them all the power.

Did The “Ultimate Weapon Of Destruction” Belief Come True In Fallout?

Why Vault-Tec Was So Successful

Moises Arias as Norm MacLean looking confused as he inspects the Robobrain in Fallout Norm looking out at Vault 31's stasis pods in Fallout Norm MacLean and Chet review the files on a computer in a destroyed office in Fallout season 1 Moises Arias as Norm MacLean and Dave Register as Chet from Fallout Ella-Purnell-as-Lucy-MacLean--and-The-Overseer-of-Vault-4-From-Fallout--

Although it may sound maniacal, Vault-Tec’s beliefs about the value of time eventually cme true by the end of Fallout. After the destruction of society, the Vaults are still thriving, showing that their predictions about the company’s future were right.

The various Vaults in Fallout season 1 are run by different individuals and companies that made deals with Vault-Tec, signaling their trust in the power of time. While many Vault-Tec employees may not have survived the dropping of the bombs, the company itself outlived everyone. This is what makes Vault-Tec such a dangerous force in the world of Fallout, with season 2 undoubtedly set to expand on the company’s role and history when adapting the Fallout: New Vegas storyline.