Tragically, Alicent’s fears that Rhaenyra would need to kill Aegon created a self-fulfilling prophecy in which Alicent drove Rhaenyra away, aided Aegon in usurping the crown, caused a war, and gave Rhaenyra no other choice but to take Aegon’s head. In House of the Dragon season 2’s finale, Alicent hopes to finally end this conflict, live in anonymous freedom, and even asks Rhaenyra to come with her, recognizing that politics and expectations truly drove them apart. Sadly, though Rhaenyra herself had once envisioned this life with Alicent, the tables have turned, and her duties prevent her from obtaining it.
Rhaenyra Can’t Go With Alicent Because She Feels Destined To Be Queen
Rhaenyra Can’t Ignore Her Birthright & Divine Purpose To Sit The Iron Throne

Back in House of the Dragon season 1, episode 1, young Rhaenyra tells Alicent that she wants to “fly with [Alicent] on dragonback, see the great wonders across the Narrow Sea, and eat only cake.” Young Alicent responds with questions about Rhaenyra worrying about her position and her duties in King’s Landing. Now, approximately 20 years later, Alicent offers Rhaenyra this exact future, but must turn it down because of her position as the Queen, the need to obtain her birthright, and the duties she has to the realm in regard to Aegon’s Song of Ice and Fire Dream.
Rhaenyra and her followers are convinced that the gods have chosen her as the rightful Queen, and there have been too many signs for her to simply ignore and run away from her duty.
Rhaenyra can no longer abandon this greater purpose for a life with no responsibilities or expectations – as sweet as it may sound to the younger version of herself. Additionally, not only is she expected to reclaim the birthright and position imposed upon her by her father, but Rhaenyra now also sees becoming Queen as her divine right. Rhaenyra and her followers are convinced that the gods have chosen her as the rightful Queen, and there have been too many signs for her to simply ignore and run away from her duty.
The idea that Rhaenyra inheriting the Iron Throne is a divine right ordained by the gods was first set into motion by House of the Dragon season 1’s Kingswood hunt. Otto had explained that seeing a white stag on the hunt would be an omen from the gods in choosing the correct ruler. While he had meant for this to happen to Aegon, the white stag appeared to Rhaenyra and chose her instead.
Ever since, Rhaenyra’s bastard sons each hatched dragons, she was able to defy logic and rule by having three “dragonseed” riders claim dragons for her cause, and the people have rallied behind her. At this point, Rhaenyra feels she has no right to deny the gods’ plan for her to take the crown, despite how many innocent lives it may cost. Rhaenyra’s god complex is a dangerous prospect in House of the Dragon, as it means she’ll work to fulfill her ordained destiny on the Iron Throne at whatever cost.
Part Of Rhaenyra Seemingly Wants To Go With Alicent
The Younger Version Of Rhaenyra Would Have Loved To Flee Westeros With Alicent

House of the Dragon’s season 2 finale isn’t the first time that someone important to Rhaenyra has asked her to abandon her pursuit of the Iron Throne and run away with them. In season 1, Criston Cole asks Rhaenyra to flee to Essos with him, live anonymously, and spend their days freely selling oranges. However, the difference is that young Rhaenyra essentially scoffs at the idea that she would abandon her birthright and duties to both the realm and her family to be with Criston.
Tragically, it’s Rhaenyra herself who is denying her teenage counterpart the free, peaceful life with Alicent that she dreamed about.
Meanwhile, when Alicent asks Rhaenyra to run away with her, there are clear, strong emotions behind her response that suggest she would love to accept her offer deep down. Rhaenyra’s brief hesitation implies that she truly does consider it, as she’s choking back tears when explaining that her place is in King’s Landing. Tragically, it’s Rhaenyra herself who is denying her teenage counterpart the free, peaceful life with Alicent that she dreamed about. As much as Rhaenyra may actually want to go away with Alicent, she must put the realm, her duties to the crown, and Aegon’s dream first.
House Of The Dragon Season 3 Will See Rhaenyra Take King’s Landing
Rhaenyra Will Sit On The Iron Throne In HOTD Season 3

Rhaenyra turning down Alicent to run away together turns out to be the right decision in the long run. Based on George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood book, Rhaenyra actually will take King’s Landing and obtain her birthright in House of the Dragon season 3. In addition to Daemon’s visions of the Night King and Daenerys Targaryen, he sees Rhaenyra wearing a crown and sitting on the Iron Throne, leading him to pledge his army to the Queen’s cause as she reclaims King’s Landing from the Greens.
Rhaenyra’s “dragonseeds” are gearing up with armor, the Winter Wolves from the North are marching across the Twins, Daemon’s army is preparing to march south, Daemon himself is ready to fly Caraxes to meet Rhaenyra, Tyland is sailing with the Triarchy, Aemond is preparing to fly to Harrenhal, Aegon and Larys have fled the Red Keep, and Rhaena is attempting to claim Sheepstealer in House of the Dragon season 2’s final moments. As such, when the show returns for season 3, it’ll be just a matter of time before Rhaenyra and Team Black take King’s Landing and the Iron Throne.