Fallout game director Todd Howard had complete faith in the team behind the Prime Video TV team.

Fallout is receiving generally favorable reviews from fans and critics alike, and it seems like Jonah Nolan and the team behind the Prime Video series received all the support needed from the head honcho himself, Todd Howard, while filming the highly anticipated show.

Video games being adapted to a live-action format can be challenging, and Halo fell into a deep pit of controversies after some creative choices. Luckily, Jonah Nolan did not deviate too far and even received the guidance necessary for this project.

Fallout Director Todd Howard Believed in Jonah Nolan’s Knowledge

Ella Purnell stars as Lucy MacLean in Jonah Nolan and Amazon Prime Video's Fallout.Ella Purnell stars as Lucy MacLean in Jonah Nolan and Prime Video’s Fallout.
Among the few things Todd Howard requested for this show was that it would not be a retelling or adaptation but an extension of the video games’ continuity. Nolan would develop something original but honor the lore that was established, and Howard wouldn’t necessarily intervene because of the passion that the team displayed while working on the show.

They really knew their stuff, I’ll tell you what. Everybody behind the show, it’s one of the things that you wish people could see. Well, I think you see in the show, in terms of the passion, everybody involved in it brought to it – from Jonah to Graham and Geneva, our showrunners, the actors, the whole cast and crew. I would ask people. “Are all TV show sets like this?” Well, no. You see them all come together.

Howard was impressed by the production of the show because the team behind it was already fans of the original. Something Paramount and Microsoft should have considered while making a live-action Halo series that may look like it was made by fans but deviated way too far.

The success of Nolan’s series has greatly benefited the source material, which is the video games. There is a significant increase in players now that the show has been released, which is a clear indication that the feedback and reception can have a massive effect on other related projects.

Nolan Felt the Pressure While Working on Prime Video’s Fallout

Jonah Nolan's Fallout has been officially greenlit for a second season.Nolan’s show has been officially greenlit for a second season.
It is rare to see a good TV show or movie that is based on other projects from other media, and Nolan had a moment of doubt while working on the show because there is a curse regarding video game adaptations. All of the director’s worries were put to rest the moment HBO released The Last of Us and made the dream possible for an audience that is more welcoming to these sorts of stories.

The Prime Video adaptation was a massive success because the team behind it understood the assignment. Nolan was a fan of the games and had the intention of adapting them the moment the opportunity came, and Howard wouldn’t have agreed to the project if he didn’t feel like it was a good idea.

Good adaptations are only possible if a team of fans is involved, as well as the original director himself.

Are you a fan of Prime Video’s adaptation? Let us know in the comments section below!