Nazanin Boniadi recently announced that she would not be returning to play Bronwyn in season 2 due to her devotion to activist work, which Nazanin announced on Instagram, and the release of The Rings of Power season 2 trailer on May 14 confirms her character’s absence. Her developing relationship with Arondir and drive to protect her son, Theo, provided an interesting story, particularly when Tirharad was attacked by Arad’s Orcs. There are theories on how the show will explain the absence of Bronwyn, and speculation about what it means for other The Rings of Power characters in season 2.
Arondir & Bronwyn’s Breakup Makes The Elf’s Story Darker In The Rings Of Power Season 2
Arondir May Be Too Preoccupied With The Rise Of Sauron
With Bronwyn not returning for season 2 of The Rings of Power, Arondir’s story appears much darker. Season 1’s romantic subplot surrounding Arondir, a Silvan elf, and Bronwyn, a human healer, provided a relief from a rather dark main plot, filled with Orcs and a brewing evil, and was reminiscent of other Tolkien romantic couples, such as Aragorn and Arwen in The Lord of the Rings. If season 2 is missing this romantic element, then Arondir’s story will most likely be focused on the “rising tide of darkness” described in the full synopsis below:
In Season Two of The Rings of Power, Sauron has returned. Cast out by Galadriel, without army or ally, the rising Dark Lord must now rely on his own cunning to rebuild his strength and oversee the creation of the Rings of Power, which will allow him to bind all the peoples of Middle-earth to his sinister will.
Building on Season One’s epic scope and ambition, the new season plunges even its most beloved and vulnerable characters into a rising tide of darkness, challenging each to find their place in a world that is increasingly on the brink of calamity. Elves and dwarves, orcs and men, wizards and Harfoots… as friendships are strained and kingdoms begin to fracture, the forces of good will struggle ever more valiantly to hold on to what matters to them most of all… each other.
One of the theories explaining Bronwyn’s absence could be her death. Killing off Bronwyn would make sense in season 2 to motivate Arondir, and her son, Theo. Theo was introduced as an unlikely main character in the first season when he discovered a sword bearing Sauron’s mark, which eventually caused the creation of Mordor. Following his introduction to Galadriel and Arondir, two warriors, and his bravery facing the Orcs, the death of his mother might push Theo to become a warrior in season 2. Arondir, unfortunately, would then bear the burden of keeping Theo safe alongside his duty to Middle-earth.
Bronwyn’s The Rings Of Power Season 2 Absence Makes Season 1’s Romance Kind Of Pointless
Bronwyn’s Story Can Wait
The large subplot of Arondir and Bronwyn’s romance in season 1 of The Rings of Power now seems pointless with Bronwyn’s absence from season 2. The show slowly developed their relationship over the episodes, teasing their relationship, including in episode 6, in which Bronwyn almost died. Depending on how the show deals with it, her absence means that their love story will either be put on hold or even rendered incomplete, meaning The Rings of Power may follow the classic Tolkien tradition of forbidden love. Season 1’s romantic setup was pointless if their story goes nowhere and there’s no payoff.
The people of the Southlands need to relocate in season 2 of The Rings of Power due to the creation of Mordor at the end of season 1.
Hopefully, The Rings of Power addresses the romance, as there is an opportunity for Nanzanin to return in future seasons. One theory shows Bronwyn’s absence is due to relocating the Southlanders, like in season 1, meaning she may appear again. Alternatively, Bronwyn isn’t the focus at all, despite her strong start, and was only used to introduce Theo and develop Arondir’s character more, especially after the controversial casting. Using a romance similar to previously known couples creates nostalgia, which makes the audience like Arondir more, setting Arondir up as a likable main character for the rest of the show.
What Next For Arondir In The Rings Of Power Season 2?
Ismael Córdova Reveals…
Image via Prime VideoNot much has been revealed for season 2, but Arondir is a major part of the plot, appearing in the teaser trailer (whereas the Harfoots don’t), and the team-up in season 1 hints that he could possibly fight alongside Galadriel. In an interview for TVLine, Ismael Córdova, who plays Arondir, revealed that emotional turmoil lies ahead, stating that “Arondir is a little broken, and he has so much pain in certain things.” However, when asked how Nanzanin’s absence will affect his story in particular, he cheekily declined to comment, reiterating that The Rings of Power premieres on August 29.