The Rings Of Power Season 2 Can’t Avoid Solving LOTR’s Biggest Nazgûl Mystery

Nazgul from The Lord of the Rings. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 is set to continue Sauron’s story, and in doing so will almost inevitably solve one key mystery about the franchise’s iconic Ringwraiths. The Ringwraiths, otherwise known as the Nazgûl, were some of the most powerful characters in The Lord of the Rings. Standing alongside Sauron in the books and Peter Jackson films, they were originally Men, but their time bearing a Ring of Power eventually turned them into wraith-like beings. The Rings of Power season 2 may explore these monsters further, developing the storyline around its titular magical items.

While Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films covered Sauron’s grab for power in the Third Age, that was not Sauron’s first attempt to rule Middle-earth, and the show televises Sauron’s previous bid for domination. As such, the show has started setting up characters on either side of the playing field – Elrond and Gil-Galad firmly oppose Sauron, while a trio of witches and a Balrog lie on Sauron’s side. Within this context, The Rings of Power season 2 could now expand on what may be Sauron’s most important fighters, the Nazgûl.

The Rings Of Power Season 2’s Timeline Has To Include The Nine Kings Of Men

The Ringwraiths Originate Around The Time of Season 2

Nazgul Ringwraiths in The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Ringwraith in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Image comparing the appearance of a Ringwraith from The Fellowship of the Ring to The Lord of the Rings Gollum. The Witch-king of Angmar Ringwraith in Middle-earth: Shadow of War. Sauron disguised as Halbrand looking upset next to Sauron disguised as Annatar looking confident in The Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power season 2. Nazgul Ringwraiths in The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Ringwraith in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Image comparing the appearance of a Ringwraith from The Fellowship of the Ring to The Lord of the Rings Gollum. The Witch-king of Angmar Ringwraith in Middle-earth: Shadow of War. Sauron disguised as Halbrand looking upset next to Sauron disguised as Annatar looking confident in The Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power season 2.

More rings will be forged in season 2, and Sauron canonically gave nine of these to the Men that became the Nazgûl. As The Rings of Power season 1 ending explained, one of season 1’s main characters, Halbrand, was actually Sauron. Sauron is now “maneuvering out in the open”, in the words of showrunner Patrick McKay to The Hollywood Reporter. This sets up season 2 to be the season where Sauron will exit whatever period of repentance he may have been entertaining and move head-on into rising to power. This storyline could, in turn, show the origins of the Nazgûl.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power will air on August 29, 2024.

If the show introduced the Ringwraiths in season 2, it would fit with the Second Age timeline. The show already revealed the three Rings of Power that the Elves possess, although these were made last out of all the rings in canon. It’s clear from the season 2 trailer that season 2 will show the forging of more Rings of Power, which in lore was followed by the forging of the One Ring. In line with the chronology of the books, season 2 could show Sauron giving nine of these rings to the Men that will eventually become the Ringwraiths.

The Rings Of Power Can’t Avoid Identifying The Nazgûl

The Rings of Power Season 2 Will Explore The Rings In More Detail

Rings of power sauron lord of the rings nazgul

It wouldn’t logically work for the show to bring in the Rings of Power without revealing the identities of its bearers. However, the Ringwraiths were largely shrouded in mystery in author J.R.R. Tolkien’s fictional world of Middle-earth. It is known that some rings were given to Númenóreans and one was given to an Easterling, Khamûl. Other than this, the only identification given was one of the Ringwraiths being the Witch-king of Angmar. The Rings of Power season 2 will show Sauron’s plan for the rings unfolding over multiple episodes, so it will likely tackle this mystery.

In season 2, Sauron will likely bring war to the Elves over the Rings of Power, as per the story in lore and some of the scenes in the trailer. Although it is unconfirmed how Adar factors into this, season 2 will probably tie the villains’ storylines together to get Sauron an Orc army with which to fight the Elves. The show will find it hard to dive deeper into Sauron’s strategy around the rings, showing his army and team in detail, without showing which nine Men get given the Rings of Power and become the Ringwraiths.

Why The Rings Of Power Revealing The Nazgûl Identities Doesn’t Break Canon

Exploring The Nazgûl Could Work For The Show

Pharazon Rings of Power Ringwraith

There are a few reasons why it wouldn’t break canon or conflict with the themes or values of the books to solve the mystery of the Nazgûls’ identities. There are some points of his legendarium that Tolkien left deliberately enigmatic, such as the character Tom Bombadil. However, Tolkien didn’t go into too much detail about the individuals on Sauron’s side, as the stories were told from the perspectives of his opponents. So, in showing the Ringwraiths’ origins, The Rings of Power season 2 would just be filling in gaps, taking advantage of multiple seasons to tell a more detailed story.

…the Ringwraiths were key to Sauron’s strategy and The Lord of the Rings story, so Rings of Power season 2 has a good case for introducing them.

Tolkien already provided some information about the Nazgûls’ identities, proving that they weren’t supposed to be taboo or secret. They just weren’t a driving point of the narrative and it therefore wasn’t necessary to reveal them. As to what could be called Sauron’s “cabinet”, the Ringwraiths were key to Sauron’s strategy and TheLord of the Rings story, so Rings of Power season 2 has a good case for introducing them. Some original characters in The Rings of Power have worked better than others, but this is an example of how the show could create lore-friendly new characters.

The Rings of Power could introduce original characters that will be transformed into the Ringwraiths over a few episodes, but it is also possible that the show already debuted those who will become them. There are already a few Rings of Power characters that could become a Ringwraith. Theo, for instance, is harboring some kind of darkness, as evidenced by his attraction to Sauron’s sword hilt. Pharazôn’s son, Kemen, is another candidate, as a Númenórean seeking more power ahead of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2.

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