Leslye Headland named the one aspect of The Acolyte she wanted to explore more, proving the series was always doomed.
Leslye Headland served as the creator and showrunner of The Acolyte, the latest addition to the Star Wars universe. However, the series was heavily criticized for its pacing, performances, and storytelling. It was also criticized for mistreating the franchise’s lore and contradicting several preexisting plot points.
Leslye Headland’s The Acolyte became the worst-rated Star Wars show (Credit: Lucasfilm).
During an interview, Headland spoke about her work on the series. At the same time, the showrunner revealed the one regret she has regarding the first season. However, Headland’s regret seems like almost a cruel joke on George Lucas’ legacy, especially when considering several drawbacks of her series. Here is why Lesyle Headland’s biggest Star Wars regret makes no sense.
The Acolyte Creator Leslye Headland Reveals Her Biggest Star Wars Regret
The Acolyte created by Leslye Headland proved to be the most divisive entry in the Star Wars universe. The series recently wrapped up its first season and is awaiting confirmation of its fate. Amidst the uncertainty, Headland sat down for a conversation with Entertainment Weekly.
Leslye Headland wanted to explore more of Vernestra Rwoh’s story in The Acolyte (Credit: Lucasfilm).
During the interview, the showrunner discussed the one regret she had regarding the show’s first season. Headland explained that she regretted missing out on properly exploring the backstory of Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh, played by her real-life wife, Rebecca Henderson.
That was something I kept trying to slip in, but there was so much.
Headland made the above statement, highlighting that she wanted to include more of Rwoh’s story, which had been previously explored throughout the High Republic novels and supplementary media.
The showrunner further explained that since the season was packed with several different plot points, Rwoh’s backstory had to take a back seat. As a result, Headland admitted that there were some aspects of the Star Wars universe she couldn’t explore and Rwoh’s story is at the top of that list.
Leslye Headland’s Star Wars Regret Feels Like an Ugly Joke on George Lucas’ Legacy
In the interview, Headland named her biggest regret with The Acolyte. The showrunner regretting the chance to expand upon one supporting character’s story seems rather appalling considering that the first season was extremely undercooked and had severe pacing issues when it came to its overall narrative.
The Acolyte hurt the legacy of Star Wars and Geroge Lucas (Credit: Lucasfilm).
The first season was tonally uneven and thematically all over the place, especially when it came to the core idea of idea exploring the darker side of the Jedi, who are portrayed in the most negative light compared to any previous installment of the franchise.
The Jedi don’t like to fight people. They’re monk-warriors.
Franchise creator George Lucas made the above statement, explaining the nature of the Jedi Order and the purpose they serve in the galaxy far, far away. In the series, the Jedi intervene in the witch coven’s activities and attack the group almost unprovoked.
Furthermore, the series fails to provide a cohesive and compelling reason for the morally grey actions of the Jedi, which are framed in a poor light. As a result, the series completely betrays the idea of Jedi, especially during the High Republic era, when they should have been at the peak of their prowess, making Headland’s regret a cruel joke on Lucas’ legacy.
The Acolyte is streaming on Disney+.