It’s never been that much of a secret though, but now we’re at least talking publicly.
Just like Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon still keeps lots of mysteries prepared to pop up and make yet another major plot twist when it’s least expected.
Both shows are no strangers to introducing “bastards” to the main storyline, the most famous being Jon Snow (yet he turned out to be of a completely different origin) in Game of Thrones and then Rhaenyra’s three sons who supposedly knew nothing about the fact that they were never legitimate heirs to the throne.
Despite everyone at Rhaenyra’s court (except for the boys themselves) being aware that Leanor Velaryon never had an interest in the Blacks’ Queen (and in women as a whole), they still kept it to themselves fearing that the ugly truth would undermine Rhaenyra’s position.
Still, the second season’s episode 2 made it clear that the huge secret probably wasn’t a secret anymore.
The episode catches Jacaerys Velaryon and Baela Targaryen talking about their fathers during a walk around the castle landscapes, with Jace revealing that he has actually always thought highly about Ser Harwin Strong, who happens to be his and his brothers’ biological father.

Though Jace doesn’t mention anything that would imply his knowledge of who his real father was, he still admitted that Harwin Strong was the one to give him the best time while fishing and singing together and even stated that Strong never shied away from showing all the love he had for the boys.
Jace’s silent confession though is still there since he’s quick to bring up Harwin Strong when Baela starts lamenting about her father Daemon’s actions.
Both children thus are making some kind of comparison to their fathers, but Daemon seems to have significantly lost the competition based on what his daughter thinks of him.

The scene comes as an especially important moment for House of the Dragon’s future storyline, as Jacaerys and Baela are set up to eventually get married once they reach an appropriate age.
Having begun to form their bond since their early years, both are already making significant contributions into their future life as a couple given that Jace and Baela see no reason to hide anything from each other.
Jace’s acknowledgement of the fact that Harwin Strong was indeed his father in all the meanings possible also comes as the first ever proof that Rhaenyra’s children are more than fine with accepting their real origin and are actually able to express their genuine feelings about it.