Karen Fukuhara On How Kimiko’s Muteness Influenced Her Interpretation and Evolution: “I quickly realized that sign language is a language and those words can be powerful although not verbal.”

Karen Fukuhara On How Kimiko's Muteness Influenced Her Interpretation and Evolution: "I quickly realized that sign language is a language and those words can be powerful although not verbal."

The Boys is one of the most popular superhero series in the world, and its fourth season ended recently, on July 18, 2024. The initial reactions to the season were lukewarm, but the series has been picking up the pace and ended up being Certified Fresh with high ratings as well.

There have been many fascinating and surprising during the fourth season, and while we did discuss many characters, Kimiko, whose most shocking moment so far came in the season finale, was not a character we had often talked about until now, but that is going to be remedied in this report.

In this article, we are going to report on Karen Fukuhara’s appearance on the I’ve Never Said This Before With Tommy DiDario podcast, which took place recently. In the interview, Fukuhara discussed a lot of interesting details about Kimiko, the audition process, as well as her own private life.

As stated, Karen Fukuhara was a guest on the I’ve Never Said This Before With Tommy DiDario podcast, and one of the questions asked was related to Kimko’s muteness. Karen Fukuhara was kind enough and quick to share her impressions and thoughts on this issue, as well as how it influenced her character’s evolution and development:

TD: Were you hoping that eventually the character would become verbal, Like, was that a big thing for you in the initial stages of reading for this role and going out for it?

KF: Definitely was a big question throughout and at the top of my mind, especially when the theories started. In Season One, she doesn’t speak at all, not even sign language, and yeah, I think I had a conversation with Kripke about it, but we weren’t sure what direction he was going to take it in. Yeah, I had no idea. In the original comic books, she really never speaks until the very, very end, and so I knew that it would be, like… would have not happened. There was a high chance that she would have never spoken in our version of the show, and I was okay with that, though, especially after Season Two, when sign language was introduced and she is building this connection with Frenchie and also revisiting her past, I quickly realized that sign language is a language and those words can be powerful although not verbal.

TD: You know, it’s funny because being someone who, of course, is verbal and is able to speak, and I imagine, like for me – I’m an Italian from New Jersey that never shuts up – so I feel like I would accidentally be speaking when I’m not supposed to. Like, did you have moments for you let out a noise or a sound or a word and you were like, ‘Oh shit, no, no, no, no, we have to cut’?

KF: Yes, it usually happens when Frenchie is saying a funny line because Tomer usually has all of the… all of the funny moments in our scenes, and he’s genuinely like one of the funniest people I know and so… and his delivery is just like comedy gold. So yeah, I do find myself laughing in some of the scenes.

Yeah, it’s some of my favorite ones. Try to remember… in the earlier seasons, I couldn’t stop laughing at his line when he says Katniss, it’s like ‘Ketney’s’. And he couldn’t remember it, too, because he had never… I think he had never seen The Hunger Games. And they added that catness line at the very last minute on the day, and… I think it was maybe Kripke who was directing it. He said, ‘Hey, can you add this line?’, and to where it comes up to me, and he’s like ‘What is Katniss ?’, like ‘Who is Katniss ?’. And so, he… but yeah, it was like a really funny moment because he also, like, had no idea for minute. Oh, another one that I’ve loved was ‘He’s trying to get in my asshole,’ with the termite. That was one of my favorites of this.

TD: That’s o funny, and that made you like slightly break character and make a sounder a laugh or something, for sure?

KF: For sure. Luckily it’s usually when I’m not on camera.

This is certainly an interesting take and we found out some interesting information from Fukuhara. If you want to hear the whole podcast, you can do so by following this link.

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