Where’s cold fusion when you need it?

Over the years, Fallout fans have eagerly waited for each new installment to go on another set of wasteland adventures. However, a recent interview with Bethesda’s Todd Howard and the executive producer of the new Prime Video series, Jonathan Nolan, hints at something more than just another game release.

As they discuss the introduction of cold fusion and its impact on the franchise’s universe, we can’t help but wonder: is this the start of a new era for the games?

The Fallout TV Show’s Cold Fusion Technology Might Be Game-Changing

The Fallout TV show introduces new technology that could change the world for the betterThe Fallout TV show introduces new technology that could change the world for the better.
In a recent interview with IGN, Todd Howard and Jonathan Nolan discussed one of the most important elements that’s recently been introduced in the Fallout TV series: cold fusion.

This technology allows people to generate unlimited energy cleanly without releasing large amounts of heat. It has the potential to completely transform the franchise’s universe, not only in the TV show but also in future game releases.

Nolan explained that the idea of cold fusion came from discussions with the creative team, including showrunners Graham and Geneva.

He explained there was a lot of interest in exploring speculative fiction and retro-futuristic technology within the franchise’s world. Cold fusion is a huge change from the traditional fission-powered technology prevalent in the series.

Speaking on the significance of cold fusion, Nolan also mentioned the underlying themes of optimism and human ingenuity present in the franchise’s universe.

Despite the apocalyptic backdrop and satirical commentary on society, there’s an undeniable sense of hope that’s managed to come from the ashes of destruction.

Cold fusion symbolizes this hope for a better future, albeit with the risks and complexities that come with technological advancement. Nolan explains:

It gave you a chance to consider the mechanics underneath scarcity, the ideas underneath this world, and what it would take.

Howard echoed Nolan’s statements, talking about the double-edged sword of technological progress.

The pair has put a lot of thought into what the TV show portrayed, and it would be interesting to see how cold fusion could shape future game installments.

We Might See More Elements From the TV Show in the Games

Howard is interested in incorporating some elements of the TV show into the gamesHoward is interested in incorporating some elements of the TV show into the games.
Speaking about the Brotherhood of the Steel’s portrayal in the Fallout TV show, Howard expressed that he enjoyed it and that the faction’s moral ambiguity was very intentional.

There’s also a certain part that he wants to incorporate into the games:

The thing I definitely want to borrow is I love the solve for how all of these weapons are carried around with the giant golf bag.

When discussing future game development plans, Howard was mostly silent but confirmed that Elder Scrolls VI is currently Bethesda’s focus. He did hint at ongoing planning for the next Fallout.

Is there anything from the TV show that you’d like to see incorporated into future Fallout games? Let us know in the comments below!