By the time of House of the Dragon season 2’s ending, the duo get a little more to do than they did in season 1. Tyland’s attempts to persuade the Triarchy to sail against the Valaryon blockade of the Gullet are offset by Jason marching his armies towards Harrenhal in a way that promises both Lannister twins will have a major part in House of the Dragon season 3. With the Lannister twins’ continued importance shining through, it is worth exploring how they fit into the family tree that eventually reaches Game of Thrones characters like Tywin and Tyrion.
Lord Jason Lannister Is Tywin & Tyrion’s Great Grandfather (Many Times Over)
Jason Continues The Lannister Name Before It Reaches Game Of Thrones’ Characters

In a franchise as expansive as George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire book series, it is the case that several family trees have some gaps between the events of House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones. The Lannister family is one of these trees, with a gap being present after Jason Lannister’s son. Jason Lannister’s son is named Loreon Lannister and serves as Warden of the West after Jason is killed during the Dance of Dragons. After Loreon, there is a stretch of uncertainty.
The next confirmed Lannister Lord is named Damon Lannister. Damon then had a child named Gerold who serves as Warden of the West at some point. Gerold’s son Tytos then succeeded him, with Tytos being the father of Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones. As such, House of the Dragon‘s Jason Lannister is either the great-great-great grandfather of Game of Thrones’ Tywin, if Loreon Laninster’s son was Damon. If there were another generation between Loreon and Damon, Jason Lannister would be Tywin’s great-great-great-great grandfather, with another generation added to either concerning his connection to Tyrion.
Jason Lannister’s relation to Tyrion is the same as it would be for Cersei and Jamie Lannister, Tyrion’s siblings.
Lord Tyland Lannister Is Tywin & Tyrion’s Great Uncle (Many Times Over)
Lord Tyland’s Connection To Tywin & Tyrion Stems Entirely From Jason

Where Lord Tyland is concerned, his connection to Tywin and Tyrion is fairly simple. In the book series, and likely House of the Dragon‘s future, it is confirmed that Tyland Lannister sired no children before his death. As such, the Lannister name continued directly through Jason until it reached Game of Thrones’ Tywin, as explored above. This makes Tyland Lannister the great uncle of Tywin and Tyrion many generations over, purely due to the fact that he is Jason Lannister’s brother in House of the Dragon.