I won’t lie, I’m starting to get a bit sick of the endless visions of Daemon at Harrenhal during House of the Dragon, and fans have been trying to work out why he’s been having them. Most of us seem to agree it seems to have something to do with the mystical Alys Rivers, but the answer might have been in front of us all along.
House of the Dragon producer Ryan Condol seems to have accidentally revealed why Daemon is having all his visions, and it’s all down the those weird Weirwood trees. He explained: “We know that Harrenhal was built on a felled orchard of Weirwood trees, and then the Weirwoods were chopped up and used as lumber to build the castle, which possibly led to some of the experiences that people have there.”
That genuinely makes so much sense, well looks like it’s time to burn down all the trees in Westeros. Bring on deforestation!
Weirwood trees have had a massive impact in both House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones and can allow those who touch them to see the future. In fact, some fans think Bran might have actually been using the Weirwood trees to watch the events of House of the Dragon unfold.
During one passage in the Game of Thrones book series, Bran’s experience in the tree is described: “He [Bran] wanted to reach out and touch him [Eddard Stark], but all that he could do was watch and listen. I am in the tree. I am inside the heart tree, looking out of its red eyes, but the Weirwood cannot talk, so I can’t… Bran felt his eyes fill up with tears. But were they his own tears, or the Weirwood’s? If I cry, will the tree begin to weep?”
The tree in Kings Landing in House of the Dragon has red tears flowing down its bark, so could Bran be watching the events and already crying because he knows what will happen to house Targaeryn in the future? Whilst we’ll never know for sure there is something eerie about the thought of Bran helplessly watching the events unfold that will lead to everyone’s destruction.