Everyone’s favorite isn’t that innocent after all.
House of the Dragon ’s season 2 is finally back to the battlefield after months of anticipation, and the first casualties still have fans bawling their eyes out.
The show’s latest episode features a tough ending of it all for Rhaenys when she embarks on an attempt to kill Aemond’s dragon Vhagar. Ever since the episode was dropped on Max last Sunday, many fans have been vocal about a new reason for being depressed for them since Rhaenys, who definitely was one of the show’s best characters, isn’t there anymore.
Still, a few others seem to be reassured that Rhaenys is a questionable hero and probably deserved such a death, which, in a way, might make sense too.
Swirled by all the unexpectedly started action in House of the Dragon’s brand new season, fans must have forgotten about some major plot twists that took place back in season 1.
In episode 9 titled The Green Council, Rhaenys is held hostage in King’s Landing upon Aegon II’s coronation, but she is eventually rescued by Erryk and, while trying to get back home, gets stuck in the middle of the crowd that flooded the streets in an attempt to see Aegon being proclaimed a new king.
The grand celebration is soon interrupted by a massive explosion followed by Rhaenys’ sudden appearance on her dragon Meleys in the hall, ruining Aegon’s biggest moment in life and also killing a couple of hundreds of people.
Why Did Rhaenys Have to Die in House of the Dragon?

Upon the episode’s release back in 2022, House of the Dragon’s showrunner Ryan Condal explained that Rhaenys’ change of heart regarding her initial intention to kill Alicent Hightower and all the Greens nearby at that moment was motivated by the fact that Rhaenys didn’t wish to kill another mother and thus lost a perfect opportunity to end the war with one simple order for her dragon.
However, the chances that she still did kill not one mother, but probably several ones, are pretty high since her epic entrance to the whole scene was accompanied by a massive destruction that surely led to numerous deaths among King’s Landing’s commoners.
However divisive Rhaenys’ figure might seem to be now, I don’t think there’s a need to explain that literally no one in House of the Dragon is completely innocent.
Despite having caused a major trouble for those who came to see Aegon’s coronation, Rhaenys is still the show’s most ambitious character that never let anyone doubt her principles she was sticking to right up to the very end.
Whatever fans may say about her right now, she wasn’t proclaimed the Queen Who Never Was with no particular reason after all.