Ned Stark and Jaime Lannister clash blades in King's LandingThere are many hotly debated questions when it comes to the Game Of Thrones series. Fans are always wondering which character could have done things differently to get a better outcome or which character could have beaten another if they clashed. The characters in question here, Eddard (Ned) Stark and Jaime Lannister actually did clash, but it didn’t serve as an answer to this hotly debated question.

There’s no question that each man from Game Of Thrones is a fine swordsman and a mighty warrior, that much is explicitly said time and time again by various characters. The question is whether or not Ned Stark’s great honor could overcome the sheer skill and underhandedness of Jaime Lannister. The series may not explicitly answer the question, but there are some serious indicators of who would win.

Ned Stark’s Sword Skills

Game of Thrones Ned Stark
While Ned Stark was certainly feared and respected, he was far from one of the most legendary men in Westeros with a blade. He was party to many high-profile military victories, being involved with the significant victory of the Battle of the Trident, but his accomplishments in one-on-one combat are much harder to come by. It is true that Ned Stark managed to defeat one of the most legendary knights of the realm, Arthur Dayne, but even his victory in that circumstance isn’t entirely clear. He is credited with the defeat of Dayne, but Ned directly acknowledges that he wouldn’t have been able to defeat him without aid from others, meaning the fight was likely not entirely single combat.

Ned Stark’s skills with a sword were far from pitiful, but his adherence to honor was something that would keep him down. In a quote from A Dance With Dragons, Stannis Baratheon even makes this clear to Jon Snow:

“Your father was a stubborn man as well. Honor, he called it. Well, honor has its costs, as Lord Eddard learned to his sorrow.”

Jaime Lannister’s Sword Skills

Nikolaj Coster Waldau as Jaime Lannister in Game Of ThronesWhen it comes to pure skill with a blade, there are few characters in Game Of Thrones who are ever even suggested to be on the same level as Jaime. Interestingly, Arthur Dayne is suggested as being an even greater warrior (or at least equal to) Jaime Lannister, and Ned Stark managed to overcome that foe. The difference is that where Ned Stark was respected, Jaime Lannister struck fear into all of those around him whenever he drew his sword, something that even extended into his time with a single hand.

Jaime was capable of and willing to stand against any foe in front of him. While he was willing to meet anyone in standard engagement, Jaime has been shown to take matters into his own hands should he deem it absolutely necessary. It is suggested that Jaime killed the Mad King out of a duty to protect the people of King’s Landing, but should that not be the case, it may just be because Jaime is willing to kill a foe in order to win and bestow even greater fame to his name.

Jaime Lannister is widely known to be willing to bend or outright break rules in his favor, something that is the topic of conversation for Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark in A Game Of Thrones:

Robert: Why should I mistrust him? He has done everything I have ever asked of him. His sword helped win the throne I sit on.

Eddard: He swore a vow to protect his king’s life with his own. Then he opened that king’s throat with a sword.

Robert: Seven hells, someone had to kill Aerys! If Jaime hadn’t done it, it would have been left for you or me.

Eddard: We were not Sworn Brothers of the Kingsguard.

When Ned Stark And Jaime Lannister Fought

Jaime Lannister Attacks Eddard StarkNed Stark and Jaime Lannister came to blows in the very first season of Game Of Thrones in the episode “The Wolf and the Lion“. The quick fight is fascinating as it appears that Ned Stark is more than capable of handling or at least matching Jaime Lannister with relative ease. A major reason for this would be that Jaime was at his most pompous point in the show during their meeting, and Ned Stark was no slush with his blade, something that took Jaime by surprise.

The sad thing here is that the fight doesn’t have a satisfying conclusion for anyone. One of Jaime’s soldiers simply stabs Ned from behind, bringing the fight to an end. Jaime does punish that soldier with a shot to the face, but it’s hard to determine whether this is because Jaime wanted an honorable fight, or if he simply wanted to be the one to defeat the famous Ned Stark. The two wouldn’t have another chance to come to blows with the execution of Ned Stark playing out only a short while later.

Could Ned Have Beaten Jaime In A Fair Fight?

Ned Stark prepares to punish a man with his sword Ice

While it would be nice to say that the moral paragon that is Ned Stark would have found a way to defeat Jaime Lannister in a fair and honorable duel, it probably wouldn’t be the case. Jaime Lannister simply has too much skill for anyone to take him on and expect to come out the victor. Obviously, a statement like that applies to Jamie Lannister before he loses his hand, making it easiest to say that if the two men had a full fair fight during their meeting in Game Of Thrones, Jaime would have come out as the superior swordsman of the two.

The two men are close in age and physical prowess, and while Ned may have more experience on the battlefield, that sort of thing doesn’t matter in single combat. If Ned required some form of aid from others in order to defeat a fighter of similar caliber to Jaime, it can then be inferred that Ned would not have had a chance against Jaime in the long run. He may have been able to clash with the immensely quotable Jaime Lannister to some degree, but eventually, Jaime’s overwhelming skill with a blade would have been too much, resulting in him putting an end to the fan-favorite character.

Game Of Thrones is available to stream now on MAX.