Fallout has become a huge success after landing on Prime Video, and the show has put a large amount of pressure on another video game adaptation. With gaming adaptations becoming more frequent, Fallout had to do a lot right to stand out, but it managed to exceed all expectations and become a massive hit. The show’s impressive debut has already led to confirmation of Fallout being renewed for season 2, proving the show has delivered. While this success is great for Fallout‘s future, it puts extra pressure on an upcoming video game adaptation that is nine years in the making.

The rise of video game adaptations has seen a lot more quality projects in the last few years, but these adaptations are not new. Studios have been trying to produce good shows and movies based on video games for years, hence why one franchise had a film green-lit almost a decade ago. With such a long development, there was already a lot of pressure on the project to deliver, but Amazon’s Fallout success makes the challenge even bigger. The new standard set by Fallout means this video game adaptation has a high bar to clear for it to find success.

Fallout’s Incredible Debut Puts Plenty Of Pressure On The Borderlands Movie

Fallout Has Set The Standard For Video Game Adaptations

Walton Goggins as The Ghoul looking serious in Fallout
Maximus (Aaron Moten) looking unsure in Fallout with New Vegas and the Super Duper Mart behind him
Lilith standing next to two silhouetted characters in the Borderlands movie The Borderlands cast looking down into a pitLucy MacLean (Ella Purnell) from the Fallout show in front of the headquarters of the Kings from Fallout: New Vegas tinted blue

After nine years of development, the Borderlands movie now has even more pressure to perform after Fallout‘s debut. Despite being announced back in 2015, the Borderlands movie has faced numerous setbacks, but it is finally scheduled to be released in 2024. The project will feature plenty of characters from the video games appearing in the Borderlands movie while crafting an original story, offering fans of the franchise something different. While there are some encouraging signs regarding the film, Borderlands‘ huge expectations just got even bigger thanks to Fallout‘s incredible launch which upped the quality of video game adaptations.

Alongside becoming Amazon’s second most-watched debut show of all time, Fallout has accumulated an incredible response among critics and audiences. Fallout has been massively popular across the board and even won over the video game fan base. It is faithful to the gaming series and joins the increasing list of well-received video game adaptations in recent years, putting the spotlight on Borderlands to perform next. Given Fallout and Borderlands are both huge franchises, Amazon’s fantastic series proves there is still a market for these adaptations and leaves nowhere for Borderlands to hide, making it essential that the film succeeds.

Can Borderlands Continue The Impressive Video Game Adaptation Streak?

Fallout Is One Of Many Recent Video Game Adaptations That Have Exceeded Expectations

David from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Lucy from Fallout, and Knuckles

Video game adaptations have been on an incredible run in recent years, meaning Borderlands may have a tough time continuing this positive streak. While there have still been a few underwhelming adaptations recently, the quality of shows and movies based on games has improved drastically, once again putting pressure on Borderlands. Thankfully, the movie does seem to have plenty of potential, as Borderlands already has a huge fan base who will be interested in the movie. There is also a super fun world to be explored on the big screen alongside memorable characters, giving it a great shot at success.

Despite all of its potential, Borderlands is far from guaranteed to continue the encouraging adaptation streak.

The trailer also suggested that the film understands Borderlands‘ mixture of humor and action, which bodes well for its chances of replicating this in theaters. However, there are also some concerning factors that could hinder the projects. The nine-year development is a worrying start, and Borderlands‘ rumored behind-the-scenes drama also creates a level of uncertainty around the film. Some casting decisions have also been criticized for not fitting the characters, proving some fans may already be skeptical about the Borderlands movie. Therefore, despite all of its potential, Borderlands is far from guaranteed to continue the encouraging adaptation streak.

Why Borderlands Needs To Replicate Fallout’s Success

Borderlands’ Cinematic Universe Potential Relies On A Successful Debut

Cate Blanchett as Lilith and Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis in Borderlands on a Marvel logo background A cropped poster of the Borderlands cast Florian Munteanu as Krieg, Cate Blanchett as Lilith and Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis in Borderlands Custom image of Claptrap (Jack Black) from Borderlands with money surrounding him Cate Blanchett as Lilith shooting with her gun in Borderlands movie

Although it will be difficult to replicate Fallout‘s success, Borderlands has to try and match the show’s quality. Fallout has already become an all-time great gaming adaptation, proving it is the sort of standard that similar projects should be trying to achieve. With Borderlands having plans for a cinematic universe, it has to ensure the first film lives up to the hype. There is plenty of spinoff and sequel potential for Borderlands, but this can’t happen if its big screen debut bombs; therefore, it can’t afford to fall flat in comparison to Fallout and other adaptations.

Borderlands won’t have to worry about new characters, but it can learn from Fallout ‘s unique narrative while still bringing its own ideas to the table.

Fallout showed how to create a fresh story and introduce new characters while also being faithful to the world-building and lore of the games. Borderlands won’t have to worry about new characters, but it can learn from Fallout‘s unique narrative while still bringing its own ideas to the table. It is crucial the Borderlands movie feels different from the games while still belonging in the franchise. If the movie manages to include numerous gaming elements while constructing a fun and interesting plot, Borderlands may launch the cinematic universe it’s craving and potentially even match Fallout‘s success in the process.