Lucy in Fallout next to power armorFallout art imagines Lucy suiting up in the Brotherhood of Steel’s signature power armor with a furry companion by her side. Prime Video’s Fallout show is set in the same universe as the best-selling Bethesda video game franchise, but follows an all-new story involving three strangers on separate quests who cross paths in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Los Angeles. The three main Fallout cast members and characters are Ella Purnell as the young Vault Dweller Lucy, Walton Goggins as the Ghoul, and Aaron Moten as Maximus, a member of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Now, new Fallout fan art shared by derelict84 on Instagram imagines Lucy suiting up in the Brotherhood of Steel’s power armor with a furry companion by her side. Check out the art below:

With two slides showing the progression of the piece before and after coloring, the art images Lucy in her Vault 33 jumpsuit stepping into a suit of power armor. CX404, also known as Dogmeat, is pictured by her side.

Will Lucy Wear Power Armor In Fallout Season 2?

Fallout Yao Guai 4
Fallout Gulper 5 Ella Purnell smiling as Lucy MacLean in Fallout
Maximus eating popcorn and watching TV in Fallout Fallout 4 Lone Wanderer walking down the street.

The Brotherhood of Steel squire, Maximus, acquires the power armor suit in season 1 after Knight Titus is mauled and wounded by a mutant bear in episode 2. In turn, Titus’ mistreatment of Maximus leads him to steal his power armor and leave him for dead. He takes on Titus’ identity and believing Maximus is dead, the Brotherhood sends a new squire, Thaddeus. Once Maximus reveals his true identity to Thaddeus, he deactivates his power armor by stealing its fusion core and leaves him trapped inside.

This sets the stage for Maximus and Lucy’s first meeting, as the latter lets him out of the power armor, and they embark on a quest together to find Wilzig’s head. Lucy and Maximus grow close to one another throughout their quest, though following the Fallout season 1 ending, Lucy leaves with the Ghoul, leaving Maximus behind, who is promoted to the rank of Knight in the Brotherhood of Steel after he is mistakenly believed to have murdered Moldaver.

Though Lucy might not cross paths with Maximus again for quite some time, there should be plenty of opportunities for her to find a suit of power armor during her quest with The Ghoul. Perhaps they cross paths with Lucy’s father, Hank, who stole the suit of power armor from Maximus and set off to New Vegas during the season 1 ending. In the video games, each main character has had the opportunity to use power armor, so it would only be fitting for Lucy to suit up in Fallout season 2 or beyond.