The opening credits of every single Bridgerton episode have been filled with easter eggs this entire time, and now I’m honestly considering rewatching the entire show from start to finish.

We all know the Bridgerton opening credits – they’re pretty memorable, with the tree as the logo appears and our fav music plays over the top. But, how well have you actually been paying attention whilst the intro plays? Are you a “skip intro” kind of person? Or have you just never spotted that the credits have loads of clues to what is coming up in the season?

Bridgerton season three opening credits easter eggs

via Netflix

The opening credits of each of the three seasons of Bridgerton have been different, all reflecting some of the upcoming storylines and topics. During season three, there is a scroll shown in the opening titles, with “Colin Bridgerton” among the words written on it – a nod to the season being all about our beloved Polin.

Bridgerton season three opening credits easter eggs

via Netflix

We all should have seen the carriage scene coming – or maybe at least known a carriage was going to be vital in someway – as every single episode this season has had a carriage in the credits.

via Netflix

Francesca Bridgerton’s love story was also hinted at – with one part of the credits featuring piano keys up the bark of the iconic Bridgerton tree. Of course, our gal Francesca loves to play her piano in the Bridgerton household.

On top of this, there have been some smaller fun nods to the little bits of drama in the Ton this season. Remember the chaos of the hot air balloon nearly landing on Pen? There was a hot air balloon floating around in the titles!
Bridgerton season three opening credits easter eggs

via Netflix

Basically, everything we were shocked by was sitting in the opening credits all along. God I love this show and its silly little easter eggs and hints.