One Hollywood actor, above every other available option, needs a cameo in a future season of Fallout. In just one season, Prime Video’s Fallout series has already demonstrated a willingness for cameos, whether it be from existing video game characters or a specific actor recognizable to viewers. With that in mind, it’s all but guaranteed that Fallout season 2 – and any subsequent seasons – will head in the same direction.
In that regard, Fallout season 1 offered a handful of surprises, not the least of which was Mr. House’s presence in the Fallout season 1 finale. Plus, there was a surprise appearance from Erik Estrada as a survivor in Fallout’s apocalypse. Another standout cameo came courtesy of prominent voice actor Matt Berry, whose character shockingly turned out to be connected to the origin story of Fallout 4’s Codsworth. Based on this track record, there’s already an expectation for a cameo or two in Fallout season 2 as well.
Why Ron Perlman Needs A Cameo In Fallout

When it comes to who Fallout should use for a cameo next, the option that deserves the most consideration is none other than Ron Perlman. After all, there isn’t a movie or TV actor with deeper ties to Fallout’s world than him. Perlman narrated the opening cinematic sequence of the original Fallout game in 1997. Because of that, the actor was brought back to provide narration for nearly every sequel in the mainline series, meaning that Perlman is the voice of the intro in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 76. He didn’t hold this role in Fallout 4, but did voice work for that game in a different capacity.
Ron Perlman voiced a news anchor in Fallout 4.
The actor’s involvement in so many Fallout games – and the decision to give him the same role on so many occasions – speaks to his importance to the franchise. Fallout made a tradition of getting Perlman to be in all the main entries, thus putting pressure on Prime Video’s show to do the same. Due to the fact that Fallout’s show is less of an adaptation and more of an additional installment in the Fallout canon, Perlman not being in the show would mark an ending to that trend. But if it puts him in at least one scene, Fallout can honor his ties to the franchise and keep that tradition going for the next game.
Fallout Season 1 Already Changed How A Ron Perlman Cameo Would Work

While there’s no word on whether Ron Perlman will appear in Fallout’s future, there’s already been a significant change to how the cameo could happen. Prior to the finale, the most obvious way to make it work would have been to have Ron Perlman’s character – whomever it may be – say the line, “war never changes.” The line is tied directly to Perlman’s Fallout role, given that he’s said it in all of his game appearances except for Fallout 4. But since the iconic line has now been dropped by both Barb and Cooper Howard, it’s hard to imagine it having the same impact, even if it comes from Perlman.
The best-possible Ron Perlman cameo in Fallout may no longer be an avenue the series can take, but that’s not to say it shouldn’t be a priority anymore. Fallout 4 included him despite having another character (the player) say the line, so there would still be meaning to be found in a Perlman appearance with or without “war never changes.” The actor’s distinctive voice, combined with how well-known he is to the player fanbase, should make his cameo stand out regardless of the circumstances.
Ron Perlman Already Has A Fallout Character The Show Could Use

While Fallout could easily craft a new character to suit his cameo, that wouldn’t actually be necessary, considering that there’s already a Ron Perlman character available. He’s voiced two different characters in Fallout’s games, Butch Harris in the first game and a news anchor in Fallout 4. The show’s placement in the Fallout timeline all but rules out Butch Harris, who wouldn’t be alive in either of the show’s two time periods. His news anchor character, on the other hand, could theoretically appear in the flashback storyline.
Perlman’s Fallout 4 character was seen in television newscasts that aired in 2077 when the Great War was unfolding. That creates a framework for the show to use him, as it could feature a scene where someone like Barb or Howard sees Perlman’s character on TV. Seeing Perlman’s character relaying important world news relevant to the conflict that ultimately dooms civilization would be a fitting way for Fallout to make use of the actor.