How The Hell Did Helaena Break That Vision Rule In House Of The Dragon?!

Custom image of Helaena and Daemon in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8 Helaena’s visions in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8 were unlike anything the prequel series or Game of Thrones had ever done, suggesting her dragon dream abilities are stronger than anyone could’ve imagined. House of the Dragon season 2’s finale set up a lot of things, including upcoming battles and the future of King’s Landing. In addition to a couple of teases and hints of what is to come, “The Queen Who Ever Wars” directly acknowledged future events in the Game of Thrones universe through the visions of Daemon and Helaena Targaryen.

Daemon spent most of House of the Dragon season 2 in Harrenhal trying to unite the Rivermen under Rhaenyra’s banner, during which he had a lot of nightmares and visions. Daemon Targaryen’s visions in the finale were particularly intense, namely because they now revealed glimpses of the future. Daenerys Targaryen, the Three-Eyed Raven, and the Long Night were some things Daemon got a glimpse of. The most surprising aspect of Daemon’s visions, however, was the appearance of Helaena. It seemed like Helaena was interacting with Daemon’s dream, almost as if they were sharing the same vision.

Did Helaena Knowingly Enter Daemon’s Vision In House Of The Dragon?

Helaena Interacted With Daemon In His Vision

Daemon sees Helaena in his vision in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8

Daemon seeing other people in his visions and interacting with them was nothing new. Some of the most important – and disturbing – moments of House of the Dragon season 2 involved Daemon Targaryen dreaming about members of his family. This included a younger version of Rhaenyra, a version of Aemond with Daemon’s face, Viserys, and even Daemon’s mother. It would have made sense for Daemon to see Helana in his visions too, especially because he was directly involved in the murder of her infant child. That said, Helaena appeared to be more than just a figment of Daemon’s mind.

House of the Dragon season 1, episode 1 heavily implied that Aegon the Conqueror was a dragon dreamer, as he had a dream about the Long Night and seemingly decided to conquer Westeros so that he could protect it.

Helaena interacted with Daemon and seemed to be actively involved in the visions he was having. She warned him he was just a small part of a much bigger story, which played a role in Daemon’s ultimate decision of pleading his loyalty to Rhaenyra. It may be that Daemon and Helaena had a simultaneous vision, which has never been exactly brought up in the books but would work in the well-established context of dragon dreams. Helaena, who is a known dragon dreamer and can often feel and predict things, may also have entered Daemon’s visions.

What Helaena’s Message To Daemon In His Vision Means

Helaena Warned Daemon About His Role In The Story

Daenerys Targaryen and baby dragons from behind in House of the Dragon season 2's finale Close-up of White Walker with blonde hair in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8 Rhaenyra wearing a crown and sitting on the Iron Throne in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8 Close-up of Brynden Rivers, with a red birthmark, in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8 Daemon Targaryen drowning in a vision in House of the Dragon season 2's finale Daemon sees Helaena in his vision in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8 Daenerys Targaryen and baby dragons from behind in House of the Dragon season 2's finale Close-up of White Walker with blonde hair in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8 Rhaenyra wearing a crown and sitting on the Iron Throne in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8 Close-up of Brynden Rivers, with a red birthmark, in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8 Daemon Targaryen drowning in a vision in House of the Dragon season 2's finale Daemon sees Helaena in his vision in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 8

Helaena told Daemon that, while he has a role to play in all this, the real “story” goes beyond him. Helaena was referring to the future of not only House Targaryen and Westeros but the world of the living as a whole. She was talking about the greatest battle there is in the Game of Thrones universe – the one against death itself in the form of the White Walkers and the Long Night. House of the Dragon season 2’s finale doubled down on the show’s Aegon the Conqueror twist, this time having Daemon learn about the threat beyond the wall.

While it seems like Daemon is not aware of how he will die, he now understands his role in the story is to support Rhaenyra.

Daemon always believed he was meant for great things, which is why he was so insulted by the fact that Viserys did not name him as heir. Before his introspective journey in Harrenhal, Daemon still believed he should be king, meaning Rhaenyra’s suspicions about his loyalty were more than justified. However, Helaena’s message to Daemon, as well as the rest of his visions, made him realize that there is a war coming that is much bigger than him. Daemon is Daenerys Targaryen’s sixth great-grandfather, meaning he is an important part of the chessboard.

Direct Lineage From Daemon To Daenerys

Daemon Targaryen
Daenerys’ sixth-great grandfather

Viserys II Targaryen
Daemon’s youngest and last surviving son

Aegon VI Targaryen
Viserys II’s son

Daeron II Targaryen
Aegon VI’s son

Maekar I Targaryen
Daeron II’s son

Aegon V Targaryen
Maekar’s son

Jaehaerys II Targaryen
Aegon V’s son

Aerys II Targaryen
Jaehaerys II’s son

Daenerys Targaryen
Aerys II’s daughter

House of the Dragon referencing future Game of Thrones events is risky, especially because both Daemon and Helaena have interpreted their visions very accurately. When talking to the prince regent, Helaena warned Aemond he was going to die above the God’s Eye. This is a reference to the battle between Aemond and Daemon above the God’s Eye, during which both characters die. While it seems like Daemon is not aware of how he will die, he now understands his role in the story is to support Rhaenyra.

How Powerful Is Helaena In House Of The Dragon?

Helaena’s Vague Dreams Are Becoming True Predictions

Helaena (Evie Allen ) talking to Aemond in House of the dragon Season 2 episode 5Image via MAX

Fire & Blood and the first season of House of the Dragon established Helaena as a vague dreamer – someone who would feel and predict things without even realizing it. House of the Dragons season 1’s premiere revisited Helaenea’s abilities when she mentioned her concerns about the rats, which was a foreshadowing of the Blood & Cheese tragedy. However, the season 2 finale suggests Helaena’s powers are growing, and that she is learning how to understand and make sense of her visions. Compared to the vague reference to rats in episode 1, Helaena properly discussing future events was a major twist.

It’s difficult to predict how much more powerful Helaena can be because the extent of the Targaryen’s dragon dream abilities is unknown. It is not even clear whether dragon visions are indeed inherently tied to the blood of the dragon shared by the descendants of Old Valyria’s dragonriders, or if this is simply how the Targaryens interpreted the foresight abilities shown by some of their kind. Regardless, Helaena’s scenes in “The Queen Who Ever Was” leave the door open for the show to expand her abilities and give her character a bigger role to play compared to Fire & Blood.

Helaena Targaryen Is Becoming More Like Bran Stark

Helaena Is Becoming House Of The Dragon’s Version Of Bran

House of the dragon's Helaena and Bran stark from game of thrones

Helaena is becoming similar to Game of Thrones’ Bran Stark in terms of their function in their respective shows. Like Bran, Helaena does not participate in any battles but is still an important character in the overall story. Even though she never left King’s Landing during the show and is often inside the Red Keep, Helaena has become an active player in the war. Bran would also disconnect himself from the present to look into the future, a trait that would define the character after his encounter with the Three-Eyed Raven Brynden Rivers.

Despite these narrative similarities, we don’t know if Helaena Targaryen has greensight. It is also unclear whether dragon dreams and green dreams are connected, although they most likely are. Although there is magic in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire universe, the rules of it all are very mysterious and often come from unreliable narrators. For example, there has yet to be a definitive answer as to whether non-Valyrians can bond with dragons. Regardless, Helaena’s prophetic visions are becoming increasingly more accurate and will likely continue to be important in House of the Dragon.

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