Imagine if Philip Blake (aka The Governor) and the notorious Negan ever crossed paths before Rick happened upon both of their respective groups. It’s quite possible these two titans could never share the same space together, and it wouldn’t be long before they were at each other’s throats.
Both men have demonstrated a remarkably shocking willingness to commit heinous and horrifying acts in order to maintain their grip on power. Yet, they’re each driven by a completely different set of ideals, motivations, and intentions. So, which would win? Let’s analyze and find out which of these two Walking Dead antagonists has the upper hand.
The Governor Feigns Charisma

The Governor relied largely on a facade of charisma and kindness to sway his community and keep them in line. He would also demonstrate this charm to outsiders who happened upon his community, which led to them letting their guard down long enough for him to murder them and ransack their supplies.
Such a disarming tactic would have proved highly fruitful against Negan, who enjoys seeing subservient communities fall into line underneath Savior rule. The Governor could have used his seemingly benign demeanor to catch Negan off guard and launch a devastating attack.
Negan Rules Through Intimidation

Negan believes in structure, order, and rules so much that he’s willing to make examples out of anyone in order to maintain them. This includes the outright murder of traitors or harsh punishments for those who break the rules. His actions aren’t impulsive, but highly calculated, and he recognizes the importance of strategy in keeping his followers in line.
It’s highly likely that Negan and the Saviors would have scouted the Governor’s community and kept tabs on those coming and going from its walls. After witnessing the Governor’s ruthlessness, it’s highly likely that Negan would have entrapped him, much the same as he did with Rick Grimes and his group.
The Governor Is Driven To Protect People

The Governor believes himself to be a Messiah figure who protects human survivors from danger. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect those he believes are his flock while caring nothing for outsiders who haven’t integrated themselves into his circle.
A threat from Negan would have been viewed as a threat against his entire community, and he would have reacted accordingly. Though psychotic, the Governor’s early behavior was not nearly as malevolent as his actions in the final days leading up to his death. With a modicum of lucidity on his side, the Governor could have organized his community into a solid threat against Negan.
Negan Is Driven to Enslave People

While the Governor used charisma to keep his people on his side, Negan preferred a more direct and far more intimidating approach. This extended over the various communities he threatened, which sparked division among their ranks as the frightened began challenging anyone who thought of resisting him.
Negan could have relied on pure intimidation to quell any thoughts of an uprising from the Governor’s community. It would have required little more than a demonstration of just how far Negan was willing to go, much like he did with Rick’s group when he murdered both Abraham and Glenn.
The Governor Eliminated His Competition

Internecine warfare happened within both groups, but the Governor dealt with his particular threats by outright murdering them. He wasn’t afraid to put them down quickly and quietly while attributing blame to someone or something else. His paranoia was a driving factor that weeded out any dissenting voices.
This could have been a method of maintaining order and structure in his circle, which would have spilled over into the community. With no voices of authority rising up to challenge him, the Governor could have organized a war on Negan, much like he did against Rick’s group at the prison.
Negan Motivated His Most Faithful

In contrast, Negan played his threats to his advantage, often pitting them against each other to root out nefarious traitors and naysayers. Once cornered, he had a wealth of options at his disposal, including severe punishment, murder, or (perhaps more insidious) a reward system.
Oftentimes, Negan would use a combination of several methods to brainwash his detractors into following him. He would promote people, shower them with gifts and lavish accommodations, and give them a chance to share in the power he held. If it worked for his own people, it most certainly would have worked on the Governor’s higher-ranking members.
The Governor Is A Psychopath

Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of the Governor’s personality is his psychopathic behavior. It’s the wild card that makes him utterly unpredictable, and therefore highly dangerous. In contrast to Negan’s calculated methods and keen insight, the Governor could have been the unexpected bulldozer driving up to his front door.
While Negan is quick to adapt, he might have been caught off guard by the sheer tenacity and viciousness of the Governor’s attacks. Indeed, he showed no compunction about sending people to their deaths and threatening those who didn’t fight for his cause. Rick’s uprising against Negan was unpredictable enough. Imagine the Governor’s insanity in the driver’s seat.
Negan Has Lines He Won’t Cross

Wars require victories in the hearts and minds of the people in addition to the battlefield, and nobody understands this more than Negan. In a world as unpredictable and terrifying as the one featured in The Walking Dead, he understood the need for brutality and harshness, but also civility and order.
Negan’s refusal to murder children, his tendency to manipulate the fearful by making them feel secure, and his strong anti-rape policy would have raised quite a few eyebrows from people in the Governor’s camp, especially if he started coming apart at the seams. At that moment, they might have seen Negan as a far more pleasant and reasonable choice and defected to his side in exchange for protection.
The Governor Is A Brawler

When the ammo ran out, the Governor wasn’t afraid to get down and dirty with his bare hands. He physically attacked several people throughout the course of the series, including Rick, who he managed to beat to a pulp before meeting his demise on Michonne’s blade.
Though not as physically strong as Negan, the Governor’s psychotic rage might have amplified his physical strength far beyond what would normally be thought capable for a man of his size. If it came down to fisticuffs, this might have ended up being the determining factor.
Negan Is A Better Brawler

Negan is also no slouch when it comes to fisticuffs. He’s faced down more than his fair share of opponents and managed to come out on top, only truly meeting his match in the form of Beta and the Whisperers. He brawled with Rick several times which ended either in a draw or with him maintaining the upper hand.
He also welcomed physical confrontation as a way to settle disputes while sending a message to onlookers. He openly accepted a challenge from Simon after learning of his plot to usurp him, simply so he could kill him and re-establish his dominance within the pecking order. His physical might would probably be enough to take out the Governor if the two ever faced off man to man.