[Editor’s note: The following contains major spoilers for Season 4 Part 1 of Emily in Paris.]

Custom image from Jefferson Chacon of Lily Collins in a yellow top with her hair up for Emily in Paris

In Season 4 Part 1 of the Netflix series Emily in Paris, Emily Cooper (Lily Collins) is finally exploring romance with Gabriel (Lucas Bravo), but that doesn’t come without its own set of complications, the biggest one being his ex, Cami (Camille Razat), pregnant with a baby. While Emily isn’t sure how things will play out in love, work at Agence Grateau seems to be on track as Sylvie (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu) listens to and respects Emily’s ideas more, reaffirming that she’s exactly where she belongs. But that is only the first half of the season, so be sure to tune back in for the drama in the second half on September 12th.

During this one-on-one interview with Collider, Collins talked about the challenges that Emily is facing in her romance with Gabriel, why she’s a fan of all the drama, where Emily keeps her incredible wardrobe, what she loves about Season 4, what comes next with the Cami situation, and how she feels about Part 2 and what’s to come in the season finale.

Collider: It feels like Emily in Paris has come to be known as much for having these big shocking moments as it has been for its fashion. Last season, there was a wedding called off, a pregnancy revealed, and all these things led to further complications this season. It doesn’t really get much more dramatic than all that. What would you say is the biggest challenge that Emily and Gabriel are facing this season? Can they ever just have a relationship without someone or something interfering?

LILY COLLINS: Honestly, it feels like the second that they think there’s no interference, (creator) Darren [Starr] throws an interference from left field. We never know if there’s gonna be something coming our way. We ended the season last year with, like you said, these cliffhangers. They’re not really sure if they’re gonna be able to pursue anything because of, obviously, Cami and the baby, and Emily really respects and wants the best for Cami in the situation. She obviously has feelings for Gabriel and Alfie, but she also really loves Cami. That’s a really tricky type of situation to be in, but I think we finally get to see Emily making a choice to lean into her feelings with Gabriel.

It’s refreshing because we see the two of them in scenes that we’ve never seen before and they get to have these conversations that are on a deeper level than we have had since Season 1. As is human, it’s not until you’ve spent enough time with certain people that you feel like you’re in a more comfortable safe space with them and you can really lean into feeling all the feelings. And so, I think we finally get to see some of those feelings being expressed. But it wouldn’t be the show without bombs being dropped along the way. This year, we do see her make a choice, and then have to roll with the repercussions, the highs and the lows. It’s great to see her go through that this year and finally be able to break down and show that vulnerability that really makes her feel extra grounded and relatable.

Lily Collins Loves That ‘Emily in Paris’ Keeps the Viewers Coming Back for More Romantic Drama

Lily Collins as Emily and Lucas Bravo as Gabriel facing each other in Season 4 Part 1 of Emily in Paris

Are you typically someone who watches two characters in something like this that you can see the romantic spark for and want them to get together, or are you someone who loves the drama of keeping them apart?

COLLINS: Honestly, I love the drama because it keeps you coming back for more. It’s frustrating if you don’t know if there will be more. We’re hoping for a Season 5. We’re like, “Where does this go? Do we get to play more?” We’re like the audience. At least after the second drop and the bombs that are dropped there, you’ll be like, “Wait, do we get to explore this?” So, I love to watch a show that keeps me guessing because that’s the addiction to a show. You don’t wanna have it all at once because then where is it gonna go? With this, the second we start to feel like, “We’ve won!” It’s like, “Well, wait until the next episode.” And you’re like, “Okay, thanks Darren.”

Because Emily is always in different fabulous outfits and seems to have this never-ending supply of them, have you ever wondered where she keeps all her clothes?

COLLINS: Yes, and there are two options. One, there’s a trap door in their apartment that, under the floorboards, has storage boxes. The other one, which I feel is a little bit more legitimate would be that there’s a storage unit in the basement. A lot of apartments do have storage units for each apartment, and a winter wardrobe can be stored down there when you’re in your summer gear, and vice versa. She’s a storage girl, but I think she definitely has everything very organized. Honestly, when it comes to the logic of the clothing, we don’t mind putting that aside for the aesthetic of the show.

Lily Collins Feels Emily and Sylvie Have Come a Long Way Since Season 1 of ‘Emily in Paris’

Lily Collins as Emily with Phillippine Leroy-Beaulieu smiling together in Season 4 Part 1 of Emily in Paris
Image via Netflix

Now that you’re here with Season 4, what most surprises you about where Emily is at in her life right now. As each season was happening, did you think she’d end up with Gabriel sooner? Did you think she would have moved on by now? Are you surprised that Sylvie is not only still putting up with her, but actually listening to her?

COLLINS: Oh, that’s a really good question. Because I really love working with Philippine [Leroy-Beaulieu] in the scenes when we’re both together, and I’m excited for more of that, in the second drop of the show. The female relationships on the show and the camaraderie, they’ve all grown individually so much from Season 1. I love the dynamism between the two of them because it’s not always all good and it’s not always all bad. It’s so layered, and Sylvie is the most layered one. She’s not even the villain anymore. There are so many layers to her character, and you get to really see her storyline a lot more this year, and understand her emotionally on a way deeper level, which makes the dynamic between Emily and her even greater. I think their relationship is probably one of the things that has surprised me the most. And I love the writing between the two of us. It is so much about the performance and the chemistry with us because you take it off the page, and then it could be played so many different ways. I love collaborating on that relationship a lot.

What do you think are the most valuable lessons that Emily has learned from Sylvie? And even if she’d never admit it, what do you think Sylvie has learned from Emily?

COLLINS: I think Emily has learned that less is more from Sylvie, in terms of how you should try less and it will say more. Whether it’s with your wardrobe, whether it’s with your facial expression, whether it’s with trying to be like, don’t try to be liked so much. Just like what you do, and other people will take notice. There are lessons to be had with less is more. And then, I think Emily’s optimism and her perspective on things has rubbed off on Sylvie. Her positive can-do attitude, which really irked her at the beginning, has rubbed off on Sylvie. Instead of everything being not possible to begin with, she sees things as maybe being possible. That’s a very American way.

By the end of these five episodes, the only one that knows that Cami is not actually pregnant is Cami. What can you say to tease what will come in part two of the season? Will we get a resolution to that in the second half?

COLLINS: Obviously, Emily is gonna have to find out. I think we handled the whole situation really respectfully and really gracefully, but of course, it comes with its own complications. Just as we see Emily and Gabriel giving it a go and navigating the complications of the situation, and with Sofia, there’s some sort of, “Oh, this is gonna work in this type of way.” All of a sudden, that has to shift. So, you’ll get to see the different characters really struggle with communication, and communication is key. We get to see the characters communicate in different ways, and how they navigate that. But it’s complicated.

Lily Collins Says That Fans Will Be Smiling With Emily by the End of ‘Emily in Paris’ Season 4

Lily Collins as Emily Cooper in a yellow top while outdoors in Season 4 Part 1 of Emily in Paris

Without giving spoilers away, by the time we get to the end of part two, will Emily be in a good place? Will there be another cliffhanger? How can we expect to feel by the end of the second half?

COLLINS: Emily switches her vacation mode on. She puts her phone down more, and she gets to go on a little Roman holiday. I feel like at the end of the season, you’re smiling with Emily. You’re happy with her, but at the same time, you’re going, “Wait! Oh, God, wait!” You can never just feel one emotion at the end of a season for our show. It’s gotta be layered. I love, love, love the last two episodes, and I love the last episode so much. I think they stand alone, almost like a film. I’m just really excited for Emily. I was so happy when I read it, and I’m just really excited.