I Rewatched Marvel’s Most Criticized Netflix Show And I Still Want Them To Return In The MCU

After rewatching Netflix’s Iron Fist, I think the Marvel Cinematic Universe should bring back Finn Jones and his version of Danny Rand. I am a huge fan of the Netflix Marvel shows — The Defenders Saga. The MCU has released some exciting series since it started to expand on Disney+, with projects like WandaVision and Loki becoming Marvel Studios’ best TV offerings and other series varying in level of quality. However, I think that an episode or two aside, the MCU’s Disney+ series have fallen short of Marvel’s shows on Netflix.

My favorite of the Netflix Marvel shows was Charlie Cox’s Daredevil, which did the most with Netflix’s 13-episode model and the darker tone of the TV-MA series in comparison to Marvel Studios’ recent shows. While Daredevil stood above all others, I enjoyed the rest of the Netflix Marvel shows. That said, like most fans, I had my fair share of issues with Iron FistThe Finn Jones-led series was the most criticized of the bunch, and it is understandable that it ranks lower than the others. However, after a rewatch, I want Jones’ Iron Fist to return to the MCU.

I Think Iron Fist Season 2 Was Pointing Towards Redemption For Finn Jones

A Better Path Was Cut Short

Danny Rand shooting chi guns at the end of Iron Fist season 2

Of all the first seasons of the Netflix Marvel shows, Iron Fist‘s was without a shadow of a doubt the worst. A large part of that was due to its main character. Jones’ Danny Rand had repetitive dialogue — Iron Fist was even more whiny in The Defenders — and poor fight scenes, the latter of which was bizarre given the high level of action sequences in Daredevil and the other series in The Defenders Saga, as well as the fact that Iron Fist is one of the best hand-to-hand fighters in Marvel Comics.

Still, I decided to tune in for Iron Fist season 2. I remember that when the second season came out, I thought it was a clear improvement from the first. Having rewatched Iron Fist season 2 six years later, I am sure of it. Jones and the series as a whole showed a lot of improvement. Colleen Wing was on fire, Danny and Ward Meachum were a delightful pair to watch, and the fights were better. Jones’ Danny was charismatic, and season 3 seemed to be on the way to delivering the ideal Iron Fist, but then it was canceled.

I Think Recasting One Of The Defenders Would Be Bad

The Team Needs To Be Complete

Jessica Jones, Danny Rand, Matt Murdock and Luke Cage stool in an elevator as the Defenders

As is known, Charlie Cox is firmly back in the MCU as Daredevil. The actor will be joined by Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin — who has also returned in multiple projects, Jon Bernthal’s Punisher, and more Netflix Marvel stars in Daredevil: Born Again. With the MCU series having undergone a creative overhaul that saw The Punisher writer Dario Scardapane take over as showrunner, Daredevil: Born Again is set to be much closer to the original Netflix series than it was initially going to be. That could lead to the return of all members of the Defenders.

Jessica Jones star Krysten Ritter has teased a return, and Luke Cage actor Mike Colter is open to reprising his Marvel role. Given Jessica Jones’ chemistry with Daredevil and Luke Cage’s possible connection to Kingpin through Harlem’s Paradise, I could see both returning to the MCU soon. However, I wouldn’t want to see all of those stars from The Defenders Saga back and have a different actor play Iron Fist. Jones’ Danny Rand started to develop a bond with the others in The Defenders, and after Luke Cage season 2, I’m sure the MCU could do with the duo’s chemistry.

I Know The MCU Could Make Finn Jones’ Iron Fist Great

The Actor Is Not The Problem

Danny Rand looking at the Iron Fist in The Defenders

Besides his appearances as Iron Fist, I have watched Jones in multiple other projects, two of them being Game of Thrones and Dickinson. While GOT‘s Loras Tyrell showed he could be an honorable character like Danny Rand. In Dickinson, in which he appeared opposite MCU Kate Bishop actress Hailee Steinfeld, Jones showed just how charismatic he could be. The actor played a newspaper editor who seemed to be “the good guy,” deceiving everyone with his charisma, only for him to have been cheating on his wife all along and trying to steal Emily Dickinson’s poems.

All that to say, I think Jones has the potential to be the ideal Iron Fist. With enough fight training, good dialogue, and a solid story, an Iron Fist reboot could work. If a solo series doesn’t happen, I’m sure a Heroes for Hire project to focus on his chemistry with Colter’s Luke Cage could become popular. Marvel should also go all in on the mystical side of the character, showing how Danny got the Iron Fist from the dragon Shou-Lao and perhaps facing Fin Fang Foom to cement Jones as a new version of Iron Fist.

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