Chichi, a popular reality personality from BBNaija season 7, received a second shout-out from none other than American rapper Cardi B. Chichi, known for her vibrant personality and resilience, took to Twitter to share her excitement after receiving acknowledgment from the renowned musician.
The interaction began when Chichi posted a video of herself enjoying a night out, accompanied by a Cardi B song playing in the background. In the tweet, she expressed her mantra of perseverance, stating that she always reminds herself that she’s a winner and will bounce back from any setback.
Cardi B, known for her active presence on social media, responded to Chichi’s tweet with words of praise, expressing her admiration for the reality star’s confidence and determination. This marks the second time Cardi B has acknowledged Chichi, previously reacting to her tweet where she recreated one of the rapper’s iconic looks for her birthday.
Chichi has openly shared her admiration for Cardi B, citing her as a source of inspiration. She credits the rapper for empowering her to embrace her true self without concern for others’ opinions. Additionally, Chichi has been transparent about her past as a stripper, stating that she will never deny her experiences and the journey that led her to where she is today.