Another day, another drama with our favorite celebrities! Cardi B recently has been getting dragged on X (Formerly known as Twitter) by online influencer Paradise Paris for not taking criticism on her work as an artist. As we all know, Cardi B never backs down from an opportunity to drag someone on social media (well, her and Nicki Minaj). She clapped back at Paris, starting this long Twitter war, going back and forth on whether Cardi is a failure of an artist who hasn’t been putting out albums as much as she’s been getting into drama for her ex-husband’s cheating scandals.

Paris’ Thoughts

Nobody is immune from criticism, whether you’re a regular person on the street or Jeff Bezos. However, how you word that criticism and how you respond to it matters. The situation started when Joe Budden, an American media personality and broadcaster, predicted that Cardi would not release another album soon.

Cardi got mad and said, “Bro I gave you a lap dance two times in Starlets. You was high as fk. High as fk on coke, nia… I don’t give a fk when people talk sht about me. It’s the fact you always talk sht about me, Joe Budden. Out of nowhere, you would think I did something to this nia. For the past two years, this nia has only talked bad things about me.”

Then she compared herself to other female artists, saying, “Every five or six months you comparing another female rapper towards me, you compare new artists, old artists, every single fking artist with me, bro,” she said. “If you love these bies so much, why are you not talking about their album? You compare females to me that my worst records beat their best records. I don’t give a fk about none of these bihes.” Joe denied all the claims that Cardi made.

🎙️| Cardi B took to Spaces to respond to Joe Budden & @QueenzFlip on their constant banter on allegations with Cardis album and claiming to have spoken with a “source”allegedly @JoeBuddenPod

— OPINIONATED_TRUTHS_PODCAST™️ (@O_Truths) July 18, 2024

Photo by Williana Serve

You would think the drama would calm down after that right? Nope! The drama starts to heat up when Paris, the woman who’s known for reading people to absolute filth tweets out this:

Why does Cardi B feels she’s above criticism? All of her peers are dropping albums & doing progressive things in their career and she sticks out like a sore thumb. No tours, no meet & greet, no merch, one album, featured singles & viral moments. Is she a rapper or does she rant?

— Paris (@_ParadiseParis1) July 18, 2024

(Disclaimer: The tweets from Cardi B have now been deleted on her side after being up for less than 24 hours. You can find them by looking on TikTok or other social media platforms from people who managed to screenshot the tweets before they were deleted.) Cardi responded, “That’s not what I said …. Fuk YOU AND YOUR 3 STOMACHS btch.” Paris saw this tweet and stood ten toes down on business, ready to go into this argument with Cardi. She tweets this, attaching a video dragging Cardi for not having any records that can’t even stay on the charts for more than 24 hours. She also proceeds to call her out on her martial trouble and how that’s been affecting her music:

I said wtf I said

— Paris (@_ParadiseParis1) July 18, 2024

Cardi B Has Had Enough

Cardi B responded by saying, “When I do surgery baby I don’t do it for a nia. I do it cause I love the vixen look. I got my a and my soft a** tiies before I met set (aka Offset). The fact that you b*tches always wanna bring up a man for a drag because you can’t drag nothing else is not a gag cause nias is line up on the DM…You spoke on me and now you mad cause your stomachs is layered like a WEDDING CAKE.” She continued on by posting a photo of someone’s hands grabbing her bare chest, saying, “Talking bout hard a** tiies…it never gave HARD…They always in a mouth btch you shape like a gummy bear…You flinstone vitamin shape btch… You h*es love surgery. I’d rather die on a table than look like you.” Paris responded with this:

They are and Mine are natural and you was shaped like a long bodied mexican before yo [censored] [censored] got them 18 surgeries. Your teeth was stacked like dominoes and your tongue lazy like the mississippi river at the end of the day im comfortable with me YOU not which is why you going…

— Paris (@_ParadiseParis1) July 19, 2024

Cardi said, “Shape like a what? Baby since high school my body was skinny bitty it was always tea. Teeth was stacked like your 3 stomachs.

Then you wanna talk about tongue like you don’t have a heavy tongue yourself.” Paris responded, “And You look a mess still they look terrible. You tried to make it seem like my opinion [was] invalid cause of my looks. It wasn’t about a nia. You sat there and tried to be funny and you mad cuz everybody keep critiquing you being a failure with a number 1 album.” Cardi said, “This is why you hes gotta bring my marriage as a drag cause how you sound a failure wit a number 1 album? 🤨 Yea the album that haven’t been passed in 6 years by no female soo fuk YOU!!! Y’all can’t talk bout [censored] else.” Paris said in response:

[censored] tryna compare bodies but dont wanna compare bodies of work. You’re threatened by your peers which is why you spend so much time tryna get in front of narratives. We can go all night I got time [censored] my tongue way slicker than yours.

— Paris (@_ParadiseParis1) July 19, 2024

Cardi B said, “Let me make it very clear for you baby girl when you STILL GETTING OFFERS LIKE THIS in 2024 wit ONE ALBUM after 7 years I don’t have to compare myself to my peers that’s what a insecure bicha* that don’t know they spot in the game. So get your feet done you know I hate it when you bummy.” She proceeded to attach screenshots of text messages getting concert gigs and opportunities to do shows, then added a photo of Paris’ feet from one of her previous posts for good measure. Paris said:

Cardi your issue is you always wanna prove something and get left being the point. Nails cost a measly $100 this is why you’re stupid. We know you’re rich we know you have a number 1 album and according to every chart and every media analyst you are still getting left in the…

— Paris (@_ParadiseParis1) July 19, 2024

Cardi B responded again, saying, “This coming from a bich name Paradise Paris that never been to a paradise or a paris …please. My relevancy is for a potential album?? Isn’t that what I’m supposed to be relevant for? A album that EVERYBODY wants me to drop.

That’s actually an amazing thing that biches would kill for. And “according to analysis, “.. you mean billboard? The same ones that did a whole article about how I boost the sales for every record I get on? Cuz that’s what THEY said not me. Talking about I got comfortable like you not comfortable settling working at Marshall’s. And why you wanna keep bringing up my marriage ho ain’t this you?” Paris said:

You try so hard to [censored] on regular people while trying to relate to regular people. BTW i have a job in corporate America that I can be proud of you was just a broke bummy slow [censored] with crooked teef from the Bronx who had to show your body and [censored] near [censored] men to steal…

— Paris (@_ParadiseParis1) July 19, 2024

Cardi lost when she started posting pictures and comparing bodies instead of addressing the issue she can go to bed now cuz I can do this all night.

— Paris (@_ParadiseParis1) July 19, 2024

You are really [censored] dumb! You tryna bring up where I been does not take away from the main reason I tweeted about you was YOUR HUSBAND! You’re getting pressure from your fans your limited algorithm and you dont like the fact media personalities call you out which is why you…

— Paris (@_ParadiseParis1) July 19, 2024

Clothes dont make character neither does money. You brag about stupid [censored]! You literally should have had that! I live VERY comfortable and while you’re comparing careers you better hop that album does more than 150K since You so hesistant to drop!

— Paris (@_ParadiseParis1) July 19, 2024

Cardi finally finished this argument with “I lost?? Lost what?? Tomorrow I’m gonna wake up in my mansion with breakfast cooked by my chef, a career, and beautiful kids. You’re gonna wake up with 3 pillows under your dress ready to clock in at Marshall’s and being the highlight of your life. YOU LOST BTCH.” Paris continue responding to the public’s opinion on the matter over the span of many retweets and replies, one of the notable ones being:

Cardi B Having money dont make her better than me she’s done [censored] so low and in the gutta Id never think of doing. StrippingRobbing Getting a woman assaulted by menAdmitted [censored]Like no [censored] your money dont erase your morals or your hoeness. Bottom of the barrel hoe.

— Paris (@_ParadiseParis1) July 19, 2024

What Does Everyone Think?

Needless to say, this war has been spanning across many tweets in only one to two days. Cardi B addressed her actions after deleting her tweets, saying, “I wanna say this to Bardi gang or anybody who’s just a fan of my music or even my craziness… I have my good days and my bad days, but you know what, whether it’s good or bad I couldn’t be happier with the obvious anticipation for my album..Sometimes I get a little aggressive because yall know I don’t like to be told what to do but I promise you it’s coming THIS YEAR. Thank you for the love and anticipation and always holding me down ❤️ I love yall.”

Paris was not having it, though, when she ended Cardi once and for all, saying, “This is such a pss poor way of lacking accountability because you could have addressed my initial tweet like this instead of trying to get a fake a** drag going body for body! You’re a nasty btch with a filthy moral standing and you better pray you can survive the media lashings of this upcoming album.” She also said, “Got a rap btch shook up cuz she dont know what to do with herself. Not my fault you dck riding and can’t maintain consistency.” and “ Waking up rich dont make you a winner. Crypto currency billionaire just committed sucide and Cardi done threatened it twice. What we doing?”

The overall consensus is that Paris clocked Cardi B so badly, and a lot of people are clowning Cardi for it. Some of these tweets say:

She gone prove you right. She talking bout her album from 6 years ago and no one passed but the bar in female rap is literally below the ground so what do you expect? Look at who the options are. Why she never on tour? Nicki & Meg both touring

— ASHLEY🦋 (@badashhxo) July 19, 2024

Cardi a mother arguing with randoms, screaming at her fans, & posting her explicit photos to prove ur EXACT point. this is y she’s flopping her kids are going to grow up & see that [censored] online. She needs to worry about setting a good example for her kids before spiraling online

— Barbani💕 (@urgirlani) July 19, 2024

sorry but Paris has a point…SEVERAL points actually . i know yall HAAAAATE Paris so [censored] much but she’s right about Cardi B

— Slaiya🥷🏾 (@sadasimi) July 19, 2024

I never seen her spiral soooo bad like your words really ate her up alive but she’s gonna continue to use the “I’m rich” tactic even though she is clearly miserable inside. She’s gonna delete those tweets too because she looks [censored] crazy 😭😂

— Mia ♡ (@HT0WNBARB) July 19, 2024


— ONIKAA❤️‍🔥 (@__queenika) July 19, 2024

She deleted everythingggg. I think coming for people with 9-5s was it for don’t fck with hard working people that fill your pockets when you do actually promote music and not just your body and new faces. I really always have been down for her but she’s lost

— a l y s s a (@turtlemcgee_) July 19, 2024

And these are just some of tweets that talk about this whole situation… Let me know what you think about this whole thing in the comments!