Posting on X on Sunday evening (seen below), Gadot revealed that earlier this year, she and her family “were faced with how fragile life can be” when she was diagnosed with cerebral venous thrombosis during her eighth month of pregnancy. Her symptoms included “excruciating headaches that confined me to bed,” which led to her being rushed to the hospital for an MRI when the clot was discovered. From there, Gadot recalled what came next, which included a “moment of uncertainty and fear.”
“We rushed to the hospital, and within hours, I underwent emergency surgery. My daughter, Ori, was born during that moment of uncertainty and fear. Her name, meaning ‘my light,’ wasn’t chosen by chance. Before the surgery, I told Jaron that when our daughter arrived, she would be the light waiting for me at the end of this tunnel. Thanks to an extraordinary team of doctors at @cedarssinai and weeks of dedicated care, I made it through and began the road to recovery. Today, I am fully healed and filled with gratitude for the life I’ve been given back.”
Gadot says she decided to share her personal story to “bring awareness” to CVT, which affects “3 in 100,000 pregnant women in the 30s+ age group” and is rarely talked about. She commented that “if even one person feels compelled to take action,” because of her sharing her story, then it would all have been worth it to possibly help save someone’s life.
Gal Gadot Shines in Latest ‘Snow White’ Trailer
“I look at you, and I just want to be the fairest of them all,” she tells Zegler’s Snow White as she clutches her face. Gadot’s smile and the look in her eyes definitely reveal the darkness within her, and perhaps the lengths she’ll go to in order to achieve her wish. Gadot has always been a wonderful actress, but here, she seems to shine in ways we never thought possible, leaving little doubt that her performance in Snow White will definitely be one to watch. As we await the reimagining next year, be sure to check out the original animated classic streaming now on Disney+.