With autumn just around the corner, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a must-watch movie this season. A well-balanced blend of serene cinematography and chilling narrative, it’s the perfect film to both provide a cozy atmosphere and give your mind plenty to think about. While watching the movie this pumpkin season, look out for the background details listed below that will enhance the magic of Harry Potter even more!

Wizarding children practice snake-charming a rope.

Leaky Cauldron

In the Leaky Cauldron scene where Arthur Weasley informs Harry Potter about Sirius, a boy in the background is charming a rope with a flute. The rope also behaves like a snake.

Neville hides from Hagrid and Buckbeak.

Professor Hagrid

When Hagrid asks for a volunteer to interact with Buckbeak, Neville doesn’t just step back like everyone else. He vanishes from view by hiding behind a rock to prevent himself from being the center of attention.

Every artist signs their work.

Draco darws

Before the Quidditch match, Draco sends Harry a paper bird containing an animated cartoon of Harry falling from his broom. If you look closely, you’ll notice that Draco has signed the drawing with his initials and a snake doodle.

The giraffe paces through the paintings.

Fat lady goes missing

When the Fat Lady goes missing and everyone tries to locate her, a giraffe passes through various paintings in the main staircase area. When the Fat Lady is finally found hiding in a landscape with a herd of hippos, the same giraffe can be seen passing through the background of that painting.

The Divination Tower walls feature some interesting carvings.Divination Class

Upon seeing the crystal orb at the end of the spiral staircase, Harry heads back to the Divination classroom to return it to Professor Trelawney. While doing so, he walks through a passage where the walls are covered with ancient rune symbols and what appears to be the names of prominent wizarding world figures, including spellbook authors Emeric Switch and Miranda Goshawk.

Hogwarts is filled with artistic talent.Hogwarts

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are walking through the Hogwarts grounds and quarreling about Scabbers and Crookshanks, a student can be seen playing the movie’s background music on a recorder.

The infamous end credits contain multiple Easter eggs.




The end credits of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban feature various details. First, the footprints surrounding the name of Robbie Coltrane, who plays Rubeus Hagrid, are gigantic, conveying that Hagrid is a half-giant. The end credits also display Newt Scamander, the protagonist of the Fantastic Beasts series. The footprints of cats, owls, and stink bombs also appear – as well as some implying a bit of intimate snogging in a Hogwarts corner.

Time symbolism appears long before the Time-Turner.

Winter in Hogwarts

The climax of this movie revolves around time travel, and the filmmakers have ingeniously portrayed the concept of time through various shots. When Harry walks into the Leaky Cauldron, a wizard is seen reading A Brief History of Time. Another instance is when Ron and Hermione leave for Hogsmeade, and a giant pendulum swings behind them. When winter arrives, Harry is seen standing beneath a giant clock again, foreshadowing time’s importance in the plot. Moreover, the Whomping Willow also showcases the seasons changing to summer, autumn, and winter, indicating throughout the film that the passage of time is an important concept.