Emily In Paris Season 2 Transforms Allies Into The Show's True Villains

If the haters were hoping Emily (and her bulletproof work visa) would finally see her European dreams blow up in her face, they thought wrong. Emily in Paris is still having the time of her life in France and has even branched out to Italy, too. But that’s not to say season 4 has a been smooth ride for Sylvie’s sassy protege. In the fourth season, Emily has had to face a lot of demons in designer outfits who secretly or otherwise want to see her and her maximalist stripes ten feet under. Listen, I’m a professional hater. I could win the hater Olympics. And when it comes to Americans traveling abroad, there can be a lot to hate on. But the brilliance of Lily Collins’ lovable oaf Emily, is that she’s too blissfully unaware to make a good enemy. Too bad the following devious characters didn’t get the memo. Here’s a season 4 villain ranking of the Emily In Paris bad guys.

Emily In Paris Season 4 Villain Ranking


laurent emily in paris

Sylvie and her hubby have an open arrangement, but that doesn’t mean she signed up to be abandoned emotionally. Sylvie always steps up when Laurent really needs her, like getting her mom to invest in his Paris club at the last minute. But where is Lauren when Sylvie needs help with Genevieve or doesn’t want to spend another night alone? Oh, that’s right, partying in Marseille on Sylvie’s family’s dime. Ew.

Louise deLalisse (Camille’s Mom)

louise emily in paris

Louise is France’s version of a stage mom and frankly I’m sick of her pulling strings four seasons in. She’s more obsessed with Gabriel and Camille ending up together than either of them ever were combined. I get it, Louise only wants the best for her little girl, but the amount that she’s willing to scheme against a 20-year-old foreigner to get her daughter a ring is giving Black Swan. Why don’t you sit down and have a glass of Champagne with Gerard for a change, girl?


nicolas emily in paris

I guess there’s not a handbook about how to react when your billionaire daddy is outed for being a Me Too predator, but Nico does an especially yikes job under the pressure. Instead of coming up with better ideas than a dicks campaign to save JVMH, he starts micromanaging his girlfriend Mindy’s budding career. Since when has Eurostar or Crazy Horse (two iconic bits of Euro culture) been “embarrassing”? He thought he could control Mindy’s dreams, and when she chose to do it her way, he stole her song which got her band eliminated. The only reason he’s not higher on this list is because Mindy is lying to Nico (and herself) about her love for Benoît.


emily in paris genevieve

Laurent’s daughter came to Paris with an agenda, just like Emily. But Emily didn’t go out of her way to manipulate the people who offered to help her just to claw her way to the top. First, Gen intentionally mistranslated Gabriel’s angry French rant so that Emily would think they were officially dunzo. Then, she overstepped in a pitch meeting with clients and subsequently spilled Emily’s tea about Rome just to make her look bad. Finally, after kissing Emily’s ex without an invitation, Genevieve took it upon herself to tell Gabriel the news of his Michelin star without filling in anyone at Agence Grateau, namely Emily who worked so hard to make it happen. I’m all about serving corporate cunt, but Genevieve’s Single White Female approach to her career is girlbossing way too close to the sun. That maniacal grin she got after Gabriel rejected her? I do not like what Genevieve has in store for EIP season 5.


gabriel emily netflix

It only took four seasons for Gabriel’s puppy dog eyes and sexy accent to stop blinding me to the fact that Mr. Head Chef is actually the problem here. Sure, it was Emily’s mega crush that kicked off their whole will-they-wont-they, but Gabriel’s the one who allowed an emotional affair to pretty much ruin the life of his former soulmate, Camille. When Emily pivoted to a good thing with Alfie so Camille could have her hard-earned happily ever after, that’s when Gabriel decided to switch teams. Then after multiple romantic casualties to make it happen with Emily, Gabriel suddenly gets frustrated she wants all of his attention and can’t speak French?! Earth to Gabriel: that’s been her thing the WHOLE time. If Gabriel had decided to make things right with Camille because she was carrying his baby, honestly, who could fault him? But instead, he thought he could serve his souffle and eat it too by keeping both women around, and consequently unhappy. Marcello was the breath of fresh air Emily needed and now Gabriel is going to track her down in Rome to ruin it??? Villain!!!! Where’s the guillotine when you need it?