An armored Elrond (Robert Aramayo) sits on a horse in front of montage of Rings of Power characters

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7 hits its mark perfectly — resulting in a truly special episode of TV. It fully embraces the breathtaking, large-scale fighting that fans want to see in Middle-earth. The Battle of Eregion looks beautiful, but it also has wonderful emotion behind it and is supported by great performances from multiple actors. Episode 7 fulfills the potential of Rings of Power and confirms why the show is worth watching.

As Adar arrives outside of Eregion, Celebrimbor is left trapped in the manipulations of Annatar, with the fate of Eregion hanging in the balance. Elrond and Gil-galad lead the charge to save the city — and this culminates in an intense and visually dazzling battle that encapsulates what fans loved about Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films. Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7 leaves nothing on the table.

Elrond Proves That He Is a Force to Be Feared

Robert Aramayo Delivers a Series-Best Performance

An armored Elrond stands in the middle of a forest battle in The Rings of Power Season 2

When The Rings of Power began, the image of Hugo Weaving’s Elrond from the Jackson trilogy was a hard legacy to live up to. On top of that, the Elrond in the TV show was much different — more political and not yet a true leader among the Elves. Season 2, Episode 7 changes all of that. Any previous notions of Elrond are swept away as Aramayo gives a powerful performance. He’s natural in the armor of an Elven general, and electric when Elrond is up against Adar. As Adar seeks to push Elrond’s buttons, Aramayo’s on-screen presence is powerful and intimidating; he controls each scene that he is in. But his work isn’t all about strength and violence; as Elrond fights all night in front of the walls of Eregion, it’s easy to see that he cares for all the Elves under his command. As one after another falls to the forces of Adar, the despair that Aramayo conveys is touching and heartbreaking.

Elrond: Not before you have painted the sands of the Glanduien black with the blood of your kin.

Aramayo’s work is complemented by The Rings of Power‘s stunning visuals. As Elrond and the Riders of Lindon race toward Adar in a classic calvary charge, the Elves are bathed in white light and centered between two trees — much like the Trees of Valinor — while Adar and his Orcs are covered in darkness. The sun is used to illuminate the forces of good in a way reminiscent of Helm’s Deep or Pelennor Fields. Later on, it seems that Rings of Power is one of the first modern shows that remembers how to properly light a nighttime scene. The Battle for Eregion takes place almost entirely in the evening, and unlike in Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon, audiences can see what is going on. The fires across the battlefield and the chaotic nature of the fight, coupled with the terrifying visual of a troll wrecking everything around him, elevate the atmosphere even further. These are battle sequences that live up to viewers’ high expectations and then some.

Rings of Power Makes Celebrimbor’s Story Parallel the Battle

Celebrimbor Fights for His Mind While His People Fight for the City

Celebrimbor looking shocked and upset in Rings of Power

The Rings of Power keeps Celebrimbor’s story on its radar even in the heat of battle. While it would be easy to see the switch to Celebrimbor as a slowdown in an otherwise fast-paced episode, this isn’t the case. Charles Edwards keeps the Elven smith compelling, and seeing Celebrimbor fight within his mind helps to enhance the emotion behind the destruction of the city. Celebrimbor was the beloved Lord of Eregion — but his people believe that he abandoned them and left them to die. In reality, he is being just as tormented as they are, and is fighting just as hard for survival. These deeply personal moments played by Edwards prove that Celebrimbor is the heart and soul of Season 2. The reality is that Celebrimbor would do anything for his city and his people… and that comes through in every moment of Edwards’ performance in Episode 7.

Sauron: True creation requires sacrifice.

Celebrimbor’s plight is offset by Annatar and his devilish actions. The whole season Annatar has been a servant of Light, hiding his darkness within — and Celebrimbor hasn’t been his only victim. All of Eregion has been manipulated by Annatar, because he’s demoralizing them into thinking that Celebrimbor cares nothing for them or the city. Charlie Vickers sells the idea that Annatar is a gentle and loving servant who cares for the people, when he’s actually relishing in their downfall. The most important part of Vickers’ performance is that he plays Episode 7 as if Annatar is truly a hero. There are dark undertones, but it really feels as if Annatar thinks that all he has done and all he will do will only make Middle-earth better. Somehow Sauron is both villain and victim — and without Vickers’ being able to toe that line perfectly, that duality would never come across.

The Elves aren’t the only struggling community highlighted; there is some time spared for Durin and the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm. The highlight of these sequences is Owain Arthur’s speech as Durin IV. Durin is preparing to support Elrond on the battlefield, but King Durin III is unable to call his forces — having been consumed by the Ring and the quest for wealth in the mountain. Durin stands in his father’s throne room and rouses all of Khazad-dûm to his cause. The character’s pleading to the people of Khazad-dûm is earnest, heartfelt, and inspiring. The dialogue feels like it could have been written by Tolkien himself, and Arthur’s performance will give audience members shivers as the Dwarves respond to their future king’s call to battle.

Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7 creates an authentic Middle-earth experience that will leave fans excited and craving more. The episode proves that Rings of Power has what it takes to stand tall in the pantheon of Lord of the Rings interpretations. The Battle of Eregion is breathtaking to see and it is bolstered by Robert Aramayo and Charles Edwards giving two of the best performances of the entire series. With the finale just one episode away, this installment generates brand-new excitement for The Rings of Power. While the season has been up and down as a whole, Episode 7 is what everything up to this point has been for — and it shows a clear direction for not only the rest of the season but the entire TV show’s future.