House Stark is the most important House in Game of Thrones, but they have not had much of a presence in the prequel show, House of the Dragon.

House Of The Dragon poster on the background and Rhaenyra Targaryen on front

While House of the Dragon is a prequel to Game of Thrones, it has little to do with the show. It plays in the same setting, but the strength of House Targaryen stands in stark contrast with the House’s weak position at the star of Game of Thrones season 1. The Dance of the Dragons will escalate in House of the Dragon season 2, but it is unlikely to render the House quite as low as it was when Daenerys Targaryen first raised dragons from stone.

House Targaryen plays a massive role in the show, but another Great House failed to make any real impact in season 1. House Stark was arguably the most important family in the original show, and they have not been involved in the prequel at all. Still, though their lack of inclusion has restricted the importance of their presence, House Stark does have many members living during the Dance of the Dragons.

Which Starks Are Alive During House of the Dragon?

Douglas Wheatley's artwork of an older Cregan Stark in Fire & Blood.
Cregan Stark and Jacaerys Velaryon on top of the Wall at Castle Black on House of the Dragon
Cregan Stark' House of the Dragon The Targaryens and Velaryons at the Great Council of 101 AC in House of the Dragon King Viserys Targaryen in House of the Dragon

Cregan Stark and his family are the ruling Starks.

Several Starks are living through the events of House of the Dragon. At King Jaehaerys I Targaryen’s Great Council of 101 AC, Lord Ellard Stark attended and submitted a vote in favor of Rhaenys and Laenor Velaryon’s claim to the throne. That vote was depicted at the very beginning of the show, though House Stark’s vote was not highlighted. Lord Ellard was succeeded by Benjen Stark, who was himself succeeded by Lord Rickon. Unfortunately for the House, Rickon died young and was succeeded by a 13-year-old boy. Fortunately, that boy happened to be a strong leader in Cregan Stark. His uncle, Bennard, served as a regent, and Cregan was eventually forced to fight a war of succession against Bennard. After reigning victorious, Cregan married Arra Norrey and had a son with her, Rickon. Arra died while bearing their first child.

Cregan would go on to have many sons and daughters, who will not be included in House of the Dragon. His youngest son, Brandon, will become his successor and will have children of his own. Through Brandon, Cregan’s line will lead directly to Ned Stark, the father of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon Stark. It will also lead to Lyanna Stark, who marries Rhaegar Targaryen before giving birth to Jon Snow.

The other living Starks in House of the Dragon include Bennard and his sons, Benjen, Brandon, and Elric. Their fates are uncertain, though it is possible that they lived to see the end of the Dance. Cregan also had a bastard sister, Sara Snow. Her mother’s identity is unknown, and the Maesters who recorded the histories in Fire and Blood are uncertain that she even existed. Still, she reportedly will play a role in House of the Dragon season 2, indicating that she is a real character and is more important than the Maesters assumed.

The Starks Have Been Absent From House of the Dragon

A composite image features the House Stark banner in front of the Stark family on Game of Thrones

Despite being a Great House, House Starks has not been involved in the Dance of the Dragons.

While Lord Ellard Stark did attend the Great Council, the Starks have had a minimal presence otherwise. They sent a competitor to represent their House at the Heir’s Tournament, swore to obey Viserys’ ruling that Rhaenyra would rule, and Queen Rhaenyra and Hand of the King Otto Hightower rallied to gain Cregan Stark’s support. These instances have been fleeting, and they often involve a mysterious level of actual inclusion by the more important members of the family. Cregan has not yet been seen, nor has baby Rickon. Even Sara Snow has not yet been included in the narrative. House Stark is represented by an armored warrior bearing its sigil, but the warrior could be nothing more than a champion sent South by the Lord. Rhaenyra and Otto merely mention Lord Cregan, but they never have a true face-to-face meeting with him.

In terms of direct and consequential involvement, there have been few glimpses of Game of Thrones‘ most prominent House. The family has instead chosen to remain in the North, untouched by Southern politics. They have only appeared when directly summoned — either to swear fealty to Rhaenyra or to submit a minority vote in the Great Council. Even then, their input was not wholly appreciated, and each Lord Stark escaped unaccosted. After years of relative peace in the realm, the family has a large army of warriors hoping to die before starvation in the coming winter. Yet, despite having so many men seeking glory and death, Lord Cregan has not moved to support either side of the Dance of the Dragons.

Why Are the Starks Not More Involved?

Syrax the dragon peers out of one eye in House of the Dragon

The Starks are far from King’s Landing, so their appearance was delayed to House of the Dragon season 2.

The reason that the Starks have not been more involved is geographical. As they often do, the Starks reside in Winterfell, where Lord Cregan serves as the Warden of the North. His responsibility is to guard the North, ensure that his vassals remain loyal to himself and the king, and pay taxes as the king or queen requires. Their responsibility is also to reinforce the Wall and to guard against wildlings. Before the war between Aegon and Rhaenyra began, Cregan had no reason to visit the South. As a young Lord, it was his duty to reinforce his own lands and to ensure that the Starks retained power. While Cregan will eventually be considered one of the most important Starks in Westerosi history, he has not yet earned that title. Traveling to King’s Landing would not help with any of his goals.

The North is quite far from King’s Landing and Dragonstone, making each visitation a considerable ordeal. The Starks do not have dragons to make the journey shorter. Instead, they rely on horseback and ships, and they often must bring large parties wherever they go. For Cregan to join the war effort, he would need to travel over 1,000 miles over the newly-built Kingsroad. It would likely take weeks for him to make the journey, and he will also need to call his banners beforehand. The sheer distance explains his lack of involvement so far.

Future seasons are sure to involve Cregan more, as he will play an integral role in safeguarding the realm’s security. Every member of House Targaryen will be charging into war in a desperate attempt to butcher their rivals. The death of Lucerys Velaryon ensured that peace would be impossible, especially after Rhaenyra and Daemon inevitably retaliated. Lord Cregan’s importance to the North and Westeros means that he will have the complete support of a realm of trained and bloodthirsty soldiers. Rhaenyra has already sent Jacaerys Velaryon to treat with Lord Stark, and King Aegon II is also seeking the Great House’s support. Regardless of his eventual decision, winter is coming to House of the Dragon, and Lord Cregan Stark will be bringing it to King’s Landing.