Lucy (Ella Purnell) uses a Mr. Handy robot as a weapon next to Barb Howard (Frances Turner) in FalloutIt seems that Lucy and the Ghoul are headed to New Vegas in Fallout season 2, and a subtle detail about the pre-war company RobCo could indicate that a character from the game will be very important to the next season. After Fallout‘s great reviews, it seems increasingly likely that Fallout season 2 will be made. With the huge reveals made at the end of Fallout season 1, there are an incredible number of directions the next season could take and characters it could introduce. A hidden detail from the first season makes one important character extremely likely to appear in season 2.

Fallout had many video game Easter eggs and references that made the show feel just like the rest of the franchise. From iconic images of the series like the Vault Boy to including fan-favorite characters like Mr. Handy, the show was very true to its source material. Many of those references served as fun things for fans to notice, but one detail brought over from the games could have huge implications for the future of the show. That detail introduced an important character early, and he could be one of the biggest players in New Vegas.

Fallout’s RobCo Representative At The Vault-Tec Meeting Was Mr. House

An easy to miss cameo introduced him well before showing New Vegas

Rafi Silver as Robert House sitting in front of a nameplate that reads Rob-Co in the Fallout show

During the flashback to Vault-Tec’s meeting with the other pre-war companies, there was a subtle Easter egg to Fallout: New VegasThe RobCo representative in that scene was actually Mr. House, the man who would eventually come to rule New Vegas. After putting his body into a life support device and computerizing his mind, Mr. House became essentially immortal. That allowed him to survive for over 200 years, control an army of RobCo robots known as Securitrons, and turn New Vegas into the jewel of the Mojave wasteland.

Mr. House also acted as one of the main driving forces behind the story of Fallout: New Vegas. He was the one who hired the Courier to deliver the platinum chip in the first place, which set them on their revenge quest. As the ruler of New Vegas, Mr. House was also the only thing keeping either the NCR or Caesar’s Legion from taking over the city. There would be no New Vegas without Mr. House, and the show could be setting him up for a similarly important role in season 2.

Mr. House Could Appear In Fallout Season 2

The show hinted that he had survived New Vegas’ destruction

Fallout New Vegas Mr. House

After it was revealed that Hank was headed to New Vegas at the end of Fallout season 1, it seemed almost inevitable that season 2 would feature several elements of the game. Now that Mr. House already has an established presence in the show, it would be even easier to make him a central player in Fallout season 2. Introducing him will be much easier due to his cameo at the Vault-Tec meeting, and the only problem Fallout will have to solve is explaining how he survived the destruction of New Vegas, which might have already been hinted at.

Fallout Timeline


Great War

Mr. House Claims New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

Destruction of New Vegas
c. 2281 – 2296

Fallout Season 1


Fallout: New Vegas doesn’t have a canonical ending, as the player was able to decide the fate of the city for themselves. As such, the Fallout show will have to pick an ending to canonize, and choosing Mr. House’s ending would mean he could still be alive. Mr. House’s physical body was located in the penthouse of the Lucky 38, one of the tallest and most recognizable buildings in New Vegas. The last shot of season 1 showed the Lucky 38 was still standing, which could mean that Mr. House successfully protected the building, and himself, from the attack that destroyed the rest of New Vegas.

How Fallout Season 2 Could Use Mr. House & New Vegas

Mr. House could help Lucy and the Ghoul, or he could be the biggest villain in the show

Rob-Co exec Mr House in Fallout Fallout's New Vegas skyline in the TV show The corporate council in Fallout The Repconn rep seated with a nametag and microphone in front of them in Fallout Walton Goggins as Cooper Hood in a Vault-Tec Vault from Fallout

Perhaps the most likely way Fallout will use Mr. House ties to the show’s focus on pre-war companies. Since the Ghoul wasn’t actually involved in Vault-Tec or any of their dealings, there’s only so much more information he can give about them beyond his spying, which was already revealed in season 1. Mr. House would be the perfect way to give greater insight into the pre-war companies’ plot to profit off the end of the world, as he was directly involved in it.

Even if the show doesn’t use Mr. House in this way, his connection to RobCo and Vault-Tec still opens up several story opportunities. The Ghoul is still looking for Barb and Janey, and Mr. House is one of the few people in the wasteland who would have information about where the executives’ vault was located. Alternatively, the Ghoul and Lucy could end up working for Mr. House, as he would still need to hire someone to do his physical work for him, like he did with the Courier in New Vegas. That job could even help Lucy and the Ghoul discover who destroyed New Vegas.

Fallout season 2 could also lean into Mr. House’s villainous nature and reveal that Hank was heading to New Vegas specifically to find him. Pre-war companies were already working together before the Great War, so they could still be collaborating in the wasteland. Mr. House could be the key to finishing the pre-war companies’ plan to wipe out the rest of their competition and create a true monopoly. Only time will tell what his role will be in Fallout season 2, but however he comes into play, Mr. House will likely be an extremely important figure in the wasteland.