8 Grey’s Anatomy Friendships Fans Need the Writers to Bring BackImage credit: ABC

It’s not all about romance and passion.

Considering how much time Grey’s Anatomy used to spend on the characters’ relationships outside of romance, it’s understandable that fans want to see it back. The show explored all the struggles of friendship, from the loss of a loved one to the hardest betrayal, and the show felt much more realistic that way.

Now that the friendships are very small and the majority of screen time is spent on rivalry, romance, or ex-feuding, the most loyal fans want and need to see the golden era of Grey’s Anatomy return with some of the greatest friendships on television.

Owen Hunt and April Kepner

Though the two have never been particularly close, the few moments they shared ended up being the most genuine and wholesome of Hunt’s entire presence at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.

April’s sweet demeanor and Hunt’s dedication to helping her talents shine is exactly the kind of Mentor/Student dynamic we don’t see nearly enough on the show these days. Fans only wish it could last a little longer.



Callie Torres and Addison Montgomery

Though their first impressions of each other were far from ideal, there was something about the two women that made them respect each other. They bonded over their love of twisted, dark humor and saw each other through some very intense and tragic moments.

This was one of Grey’s Anatomy’s best female friendships without any unwanted drama, heartbreak or betrayal. Living proof that Shondaland can write non-toxic female friendships, but often doesn’t want to.

Mark Sloan and Jackson Avery

Another great example of a mentor and his apprentice that has been studied more and suffered more drama because of it.

Mark took Jackson under his wing and offered him all the knowledge he could give. But he also offered Jackson the support he so desperately needed to gain more confidence in an area. That is why Jackson was one of the most devastated people when Mark died.



Amelia Shepherd and Arizona Robbins

Unfortunately, this friendship hasn’t been explored to the best of the characters’ potential, and it’s driving fans crazy. Not only did both Amelia and Arizona make a very good team working on Herman’s case in Season 11, but they may have shared some fun memories from the past.

Given the obvious chemistry between the actresses, fans still want the show to bring Arizona back full-time to make them more than just friends.

Cristina Yang and Meredith Grey

Even though all 5 of the show’s first interns had a great bond, helping each other out and even living together for a time, no friendship was stronger than that of Meredith and Cristina. With one being the most understanding and sweet person you’ll ever meet, and the other bringing her pragmatic side to the table, they made a perfectly balanced team.

Technically, this iconic duo can still be brought back, but someone has to convince Sandra Oh to come back to the show first. And as far as we know, that’s not in the cards anytime soon.



Alex Karev and Meredith Grey

For the longest time after Cristina left for Switzerland, Meredith and Alex grew closer as they were the last two members of the MAGIC team. He nursed Meredith through the darkest of times, and she helped him see more potential in himself than even he was aware of.

Alex Karev’s abrupt exit from the show ended their friendship with a flimsy letter, but as long as you choose to ignore it, Meredith and Alex still have a great friendship.

Mark Sloan and Callie Torres

Both Mark and Callie had the same need to find a friend who would accept them for who they were. Callie saw Mark for who he was: not just Dr. McSteamy, but a man with many problems and insecurities. In return, Mark helped Callie see how good she really was and become confident enough to accept her truth.

Their friendship peaked with the birth of their daughter, Sofia, but was cut short by Mark’s sudden death.



Alex Karev and Arizona Robbins

Even though this friendship technically started as a mentorship, Arizona’s wisdom made Alex a much more rounded and softer person overall. He wasn’t much loved or appreciated before, given his occasional rudeness and generally tough exterior, and he didn’t enjoy Arizona’s happy presence either.

But by putting aside their differences and working together as a pediatric duo to save children, they both matured and grew in their own ways.