“I realized when you’re not enjoying something, it’s a waste of time anyway.”
Television and film finales can go two ways. They’re usually totally worth the wait or make you wonder why you even bothered. Recently, I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the TV shows and movies they refused to finish. Here’s what they had to say:
1.Game of Thrones
js-subbuzz__attribution ">Courtesy of HBO
“Every time I try to watch it I just get disappointed. They kill off every character you root for. They make the evil characters so twisted. They throw in random gross things. And then everyone said the ending was horrible! Not what they were expecting or hoping for. This whole series seems like a giant hyped-up disappointment. Pass.”
—Steve, California
2.The Walking Dead
AMC / Via youtube.com
“I gave up on that at least three years before it ended, maybe more. I remember being so bored by one of the season finales that I just gave up on the whole thing.”
“I only got a few episodes into Season 2 when I couldn’t watch anymore. After reading about the rest of the show and seeing YouTube clips sporadically, I’m so glad I didn’t waste my time.”
4.Grey’s Anatomy
Ron Tom / Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images
“Once the main characters started leaving it got old. At this point, it’s just recycled stories with new interns. They should have stopped that show years ago!”
John P. Johnson / HBO
“I LOVED the first two seasons (as hard to watch and disturbing as they are) but then the entire direction changed. It became a different show with a different premise. It became harder to follow, harder to care about.”
“I get a lot of flack for this, but Breaking Bad! I disliked every character so much. No matter what they did, I was just irritated not interested. I also couldn’t get past the horrific yellow filter. It was so insanely heavy…like, why? I made it halfway through Season 2 because everyone kept telling me how good it got. I turned it off after watching an episode one day and never bothered turning it back on. I didn’t care at all about continuing it.”
“I started to check out after the first scene of harvesting wheat in slow motion. I turned it off in the middle of the third scene of harvesting wheat in slow motion.”
“It’s mind-numbingly boring. The contestants always had outstanding spouses and exceptional children. I watched the last show to see if anything was different, and no, I just wasted 30 minutes of my time. It was an insanely popular show, just not for me.”
“The first four seasons are hilarious, but then it gets weird. Adam keeps growing up but the other two stay the same age for multiple seasons? It got really bad and I stopped watching. Whenever I rewatch, I only watch the first four seasons.”
“I hate not finishing shows because I feel like I’ve put all my time into it and I don’t want it to be a waste, but I realized when you’re not enjoying something, it’s a waste of time anyway. Maybe my sense of humor changed as I got older or maybe it’s because the show got completely stale and predictable, but I stopped around Season 9 or 10. I can’t remember. I only remember getting to the point of needing to force myself through an episode and finally calling it quits.”
19.And Just Like That
Craig Blankenhorn / HBO Max
“I absolutely LOVED Sex and the City, but the revival show was terrible, the acting was poor, and the writing was sloppy.”
“Everyone raved about it, but it made me cringe and feel on edge for every second of each episode I watched. I know that’s partly the point, but I couldn’t go on after the third or fourth episode. It was too much!”
“All of the DC Arrowverse shows (Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash, and Legends). They started fresh and interesting with their niche and tone. Then they became more convoluted and long-winded until it was watching the same show but with different characters. I gave up on all of them at some point and didn’t even bother giving the new ones a shot.”