Lucas Bravo in Emily in Paris

You know what must be the worst fate in life? Being a hot and rich actor who everyone wants to date. Enter: Lucas Bravo, everyone’s fav sexy chef in Emily in Paris. Turns out he’s living in the actual pits of hell: He’s famous! He’s gorgeous! Awful!

Over the years since he shot to fame in Emily in Paris on Netflix, Lucas Bravo has made one thing very clear. He absolutely hates being a celeb. And sure, it must be pretty tiring going from one day being able to live life normally to the next having hoards of women screaming your name as you pop out for milk, but with this one, my tiny violin is even still struggling to play.

So as we enjoy Emily in Paris and lusting for him, here’s what Lucas Bravo has said about his terrible, terrible life in the spotlight.
Lucas Bravo in Emily in Paris

via Netflix

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Lucas Bravo thinks fame is ‘the worst thing that can happen to you’

Reflecting on his overnight Netflix stardom, Lucas Bravo didn’t thank everyone for their support, or say he was overwhelmed by the love or the usual spiel you get from actors. No, no. He branded fame “the worst thing” that’s ever happened to him.

Speaking to The Times in 2021, he said: “I’ve been working for this for ten years… feeling like you’re going in the right direction. Then I was just like a heartthrob overnight. I think being famous is the worst thing that can happen to you. It’s just smoke. It doesn’t mean anything.”

He also said that being good looking limits him

Most people say that pretty privilege is 100 per cent a thing, and that objectively hot people tend to find life easier. But Lucas thinks the opposite, and said that being as attractive as he is has actually held him back career-wise.

He explained: “I’m, like, this objectified overnight thing. You can’t be aesthetically beautiful, and be smart or have depth. I kept getting roles like the dumb gym teacher. It’s hard to break that image. I’m not complaining, of course, but it’s a reality.” It kind of sounds like you are complaining though, doesn’t it?

He added that being hot in France is the worst place in the world to be hot. “I don’t want to be perfect. I’ve been working against that. In France, they don’t want good-looking,” Lucas said. “They want broken faces.”
Lucas Bravo in Emily in Paris

via Netflix

Lucas Bravo doesn’t even really like Emily in Paris, either

Lucas Bravo isn’t even a fan of the show that has made him famous. In an interview with Bazaar, he said he doesn’t watch the show, as he doesn’t like watching himself back. “Where anybody would see a funny scene or something cute or anything, I just see all the [faults] and all the things I could have done better,” he said.

Remember when Emily in Paris first came out and it got loads of backlash from French people saying it was absolute trash? In the same chat, Lucas Bravo said he could understand where these people were coming from. He said: “Some people like reality a little too much, which I understand as well, but otherwise, it would have been a documentary about Paris. And this is not what this show is. So I understand both points of view, I respect them.”

He admitted he does “love” the show for what it’s done, but he hates himself in it. Ok, fair enough with that one.