Erin Moriarty as Starlight, Karl Urban as Butcher, and Jack Quaid as Hughie in The Boys.One The Boys character is perfectly positioned to become the next member of Billy Butcher’s plucky crew in season 5, but only if they’re still alive when the season 4 finale’s credits roll. Despite Butcher’s reputation as a prickly and ruthless soul with all the emotional maturity of an electric fence, his team of anti-supe agents has steadily attracted more members since The Boys started in 2019. Kimiko and Hughie came aboard in season 1, before The Boys season 3’s ending officially inducted Starlight into the team.

Not only is Butcher learning to expand his circle of trust beyond just Frenchie, MM, and Mallory, his staunch hatred of supes has softened enough to allow two of The Boys‘ Compound-V subjects – Starlight and Kimiko – into his ranks, albeit begrudgingly. As Homelander leans more and more into megalomania during season 4, more The Boys characters could find themselves siding with Butcher. Indeed, one long-standing supe now looks almost guaranteed to become the Boys’ next recruit.

A-Train Betraying The Seven Sets Him Up As Butcher’s Next Recruit In The Boys Season 5

A-Train Could Follow In Starlight’s Footsteps

Karl Urban as Billy Butcher looking smug in The Boys.
Laz Alonso as MM covered in blue light in The Boys. Tomer Capon as Frenchie looking worried in The Boys.
Karen Fukuhara as Kimiko at a protest rally in The Boys. Jack Quaid looking worried as Hughie in The Boys. The Boys Season 3 Episode 8: Erin Moriarty as Starlight looking up to the left with a TV newscast in the background Jessie T. Usher as A-Train looking uncertain in a park in The Boys season 4Karl Urban as Billy Butcher looking smug in The Boys. Laz Alonso as MM covered in blue light in The Boys. Tomer Capon as Frenchie looking worried in The Boys. Karen Fukuhara as Kimiko at a protest rally in The Boys. Jack Quaid looking worried as Hughie in The Boys. The Boys Season 3 Episode 8: Erin Moriarty as Starlight looking up to the left with a TV newscast in the background Jessie T. Usher as A-Train looking uncertain in a park in The Boys season 4

A major storyline across The Boys season 4’s opening trio of episodes is MM successfully flipping A-Train into an asset. Not only does the speedster provide invaluable information to Butcher’s former crew, he assists them physically by saving Hughie from a rampaging Homelander. The Boys began teasing A-Train’s conflicted conscience throughout season 3, but he ultimately opted to stay with Vought and continue serving Homelander regardless. Being forced to watch as the Seven kill their own supporters is enough to make A-Train finally switch sides and play informant in season 4.

Even for Butcher, the services of a speedster would surely prove too tempting to refuse.

Sooner or later, of course, his deceit will be uncovered. Whether it be Queen Maeve, Starlight, Black Noir, or even Supersonic, Homelander’s rage always catches up with duplicitous members of the Seven eventually, and A-Train has gone too far for a simple apology to earn forgiveness with the Seven’s milky dictator. That leaves A-Train only one choice in terms of making future plans: officially joining the Boys, just like Starlight before him.

Butcher would complain, obviously. Despite sharing reasonably cordial relations with Kimiko and Starlight, his attitude toward supes is barely less venomous than when The Boys started. A-Train’s hands are also far bloodier than either of the team’s existing supes. Nevertheless, MM clearly trusts that A-Train is capable of bettering himself, and it’s MM leading the team in The Boys season 4. Even for Butcher, the services of a speedster would surely prove too tempting to refuse, and the spiky Brit would likely also realize that a desperate A-Train is a useful A-Train.

Hughie Forgiving A-Train Removes His Biggest Obstacle To Joining Butcher’s Team

Hughie’s Anger Has Slowly Ebbed Away Since Robin Died

Jack Quaid as Hughie Campbell in The Boys just after A-Train runs through Robin.

The biggest obstacle to A-Train joining Butcher’s crew is not Butcher’s prejudice or the increasing lack of desk space at the Flatiron Building, it’s Hughie. The Boys‘ entire story started when A-Train carelessly railed through Hughie’s then-girlfriend, Robin, and showed precious little remorse in the aftermath. If Hughie vetoed A-Train joining the Boys as a permanent member, Starlight and Butcher would undoubtedly support him and the new recruit would never be accepted. Sure enough, Hughie’s reaction to MM suggesting they use A-Train merely as an informant in season 4 is a firm “f**k that.”

They may not be sharing a beer anytime soon, but relations between A-Train and Hughie are clearly on the right track.

Fortunately for A-Train, Hughie’s stance is softening – a process that actually began during The Boys season 3’s Herogasm event. When the free-swinging Hughie bumped into his nemesis, he finally unleashed years of pent-up rage over Robin’s death, to which A-Train responded with a genuine and heartfelt apology for the first time. That act of kindness evidently left an impression on Hughie, as he repays the favor by preventing Starlight from confronting A-Train in front of his nephews in The Boys season 4, episode 2. Skip forward an episode, and A-Train risks his life to save Hughie from Homelander.

They may not be sharing a beer anytime soon, but relations between A-Train and Hughie are clearly on the right track. If Jessie T. Usher’s character continues to assist the good guys in season 4, Hughie may just be ready to accept him as a colleague by the time The Boys season 5 begins.

A-Train Isn’t Guaranteed To Survive In The Boys Season 4

No One Is Safe, But A-Train’s Position Looks Particularly Perilous

A-Train, Black Noir and The Deep posing for photos in The Boys season 4.

A-Train joining the Boys would be a miracle, but the blue blur must perform another, far more unlikely, miracle first: surviving season 4. By betraying Homelander right under his nose – and with Sister Sage, the world’s smartest person, eternally hovering around him – A-Train is playing an extremely dangerous game. Homelander would have no qualms about terminating his Seven subordinate if his extracurricular meetings with MM were ever revealed.

A-Train’s death would also make sense from a narrative standpoint. The character is embarking on a gradual journey of redemption after initially being one of The Boys‘ most detestable figures, and any good redemption story almost always involves sacrifice – especially for someone like A-Train, who began the series by taking an innocent life. Rather than joining the Boys in season 5, therefore, A-Train may lay down his own life for one final act of heroism that allows him to atone for past sins.

Release Date

Episodes 1-3
June 13

Episode 4
June 20

Episode 5
June 27

Episode 6
July 4

Episode 7
July 11

Episode 8
July 18