I think overall it’s pretty fair to say that with the exception of Game of Thrones’ final season, most fans of A Song of Ice and Fire are happy with what Thrones and House of the Dragon do when adapting the source material. The creator, George R R Martin is similarly happy with the work the shows do mostly – but last night Martin shared a big post with the frustrations he has with Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon ignoring some crucial canon lore from his books and he absolutely went in and dragged the show for the details they’ve overlooked. And he did not mince his words.
Writing in a lengthy post in which he dragged House of the Dragon and Game of Throne, George R R Martin said “For what it’s worth, the shows got it half right. Both of them. Game of Thrones gave us the correct two legged sigils for the first four seasons and most of the fifth, but when Dany’s fleet hove into view, all the sails showed four-legged dragons. Someone got sloppy, I guess. Or someone opened a book on heraldry, and read just enough of it to muck it all up. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
“A couple years on, House of the Dragon decide the heraldry should be consistent with Game of Thrones, but they went with the bad sigil rather than the good one. That sound you heard was me screaming, “no, no, no.” Those damned extra legs have even wormed their way onto the covers of my books, over my strenuous objections.
“The three wild dragons mentioned in Fire & Blood have lairs on Dragonstone. The rest can be found in the Dragonpit of King’s Landing, or in deep caverns under the Dragonmont. Luke flies Arrax to Storm’s End and Jace to Winterfell, yes, but the dragons would not have flown there on their own, save under very special circumstances. You won’t find dragons hunting the riverlands or the Reach or the Vale, or roaming the northlands or the mountains of Dorne.
“Fantasy needs to be grounded. It is not simply a license to do anything you like. Smaug and Toothless may both be dragons, but they should never be confused. Ignore canon, and the world you’ve created comes apart like tissue paper.”
Basically, don’t piss him off because he doesn’t play around when it comes to the accuracy of dragon sigils. Pop off king, George Martin just absolutely dragged House of the Dragon and Thrones and dare I say they might have deserved it.