
We just can’t get enough of ‘The Walking Dead’ interviews around here. With Season 4 quickly approaching it should feel that all of these interviews are becoming a dime a dozen if it wasn’t for the fact that each one has had new details for all of us to latch onto and enjoy!

This is a great one on how his character and relationships have evolved on the show.

Dread Central: Thanks for chatting today, Steven. I really enjoyed seeing how far Glenn was pushed this past season as a character; I’d definitely say that he really came into his own in Season 3.

Steven Yeun: I’d agree too. As an actor, any kind of change that your character goes through is always fun- even the dark stuff. I would say that, aside from Carl, Glenn’s really been the most equipped to evolve since the series began. He really started off in this world where he wasn’t sure which way to go, but now he has purpose. He has a reason to fight that’s more than just survival. He finally understands what it means to love someone and to be a protector.

Dread Central: We also saw you get a lot more physical in Season 3; was it kind of cool for you that Glenn’s essentially the badass who strolls into town in the finale and starts taking people down?

Steven Yeun: Yeah, that was pretty great (laughs). I also really liked the scenes between myself and Michael (Rooker) just because I think fans were waiting for that moment. In the finale, though, it was like I was playing a different version of Glenn… this Glenn was completely fueled by rage, and we see it only quelled at the very end. Some of that may carry into the next season, but I enjoyed that for as much as he and Maggie went through this season, they’re still strong despite everything happening around them.

Dread Central: Speaking of the relationship between Glenn and Maggie- you guys had some great quiet moments in this past season as well, which I thought added a lot of heart without ever getting too schmaltzy either.

Steven Yeun: Definitely- I think the proposal moment was a perfect representation of that; it’s like a 30-second moment which felt fast but made so much sense within the context of the world we live in on the show. We didn’t do anything to build up to it because that didn’t feel right; these are two people who are in love, but they aren’t living in a traditional world so this moment had to be abrupt and not cliché at all. They could literally die at any given moment, but for those 30 seconds they are choosing to live, which I thought was amazing.

Dread Central: Are we going to see a lot of that kind of stuff carry over into Season 4 of “The Walking Dead” then? Is Glenn going to continue to evolve, too?

Steven Yeun: Glenn’s definitely going to go through more changes, and I think Season 4 will definitely be driven by a lot of those ‘human’ moments too. That’s not to say it’s not going to be violent, because it will, but I think the reason the majority of the fans show up every week is because they are invested in these characters so we have to keep giving them a reason to care. It’s not just about killing zombies, although that’s a lot of fun too (laughs).

What’s also great about a show like “The Walking Dead” is that while it will always have its core personality, the way we tell these stories can always adapt and we can always open up the world more and tell stories in ways viewers haven’t seen before, which is always exciting. I really can’t wait for fans to see the new season either.

Source: Dread Central.