fallout-4-player-recreates-cooper-howard-in-the-gameFallout 4 player has recently recreated Cooper Howard from the Fallout TV show as the main character in the game. The appearance of Fallout 4’s protagonist, the Sole Survivor, is highly customizable, and this gamer did an excellent job recreating the character played by Walton Goggins in the TV show.

The Fallout TV show debuted in April, becoming a huge hit soon after its release. Also known as “The Ghoul,” Cooper Howard is one of the main characters of Fallout, and became known as the face of Vault-Tec when he worked as an actor before the bombs fell.

Now, a Fallout 4 fan called VaultGirl2077 decided to recreate Cooper Howard in the game, sharing the results online and obtaining over 9,400 upvotes on r/Fallout. While it was not entirely clear whether VaultGirl2077 used mods to achieve their take on the Sole Survivor, it’s at least clear that this creation took a lot of effort, as it’s almost a perfect representation of Cooper Howard’s face.

Earlier this week, VaultGirl2077 also recreated Norm MacLean in Fallout 4. Norm is the brother of Lucy, and is not one of the leads of the TV show, but he’s quite a popular character, and the result of VaultGirl2077’s efforts was also excellent when recreating him.

Cooper Howard being an asset for Vault-Tec in Fallout
fallout 4 main character
Sole Survivor with Dogmeat in Fallout 4 fallout-4-how-to-build-fast-travel-points

The recent TV show became so popular that many people want to play Fallout 4 using characters from Amazon Prime’s series. To accommodate that, a modder recently created a mod that adds The Ghoul to Fallout 4. By using this mod, gamers will be able to play as a ghoul, and there’s a full tutorial on what other mods and builds are necessary to replicate the exact experience of playing as The Ghoul.

Bethesda Is Preparing Another Fallout 4 Update

While many gamers are returning to Fallout 4, it’s fair to say that some are not having a smooth experience, especially due to how many issues the latest Fallout 4 update caused, despite bringing native versions of the game to current-gen consoles. Fortunately, Bethesda has confirmed a new Fallout 4 update for May 13. The upcoming update will come with new graphic options and performance settings, and bring more fixes and improvements to the game. At the moment, no official patch notes have been released, so hopefully the update will be able to fix some of the problems caused by the previous one, such as Fallout 4’s Quality mode not working as it should on some consoles.