Fuji and Omi in Shogun
Shōgun star Moeka Hoshi has opened up about whether Fuji really would have shot Omi after aiming a gun at him during the series. In episode 4, Omi arrives to demand John Blackthorne’s guns, something he’s unwilling to give up to any characters in Shōgun save for Fuji, who he asks to keep them safe. When Omi demands the guns from her, she aims them at him, honoring her duty of protecting John and his guns by also threatening to shoot the young swordsman.

Speaking with Screen Rant, Hoshi explained how she believes Fuji’s moment with Omi in Shōgun easily could have led to her shooting him. The actor explains how the environment of feudal Japan would have made the moment justifiable, indicating how easily she could have killed him. Check out what Hoshi had to say about the moment below:

I maybe have not thought about that… I think she would’ve shot him. Considering the times, and the fact that people are already kind of getting killed left and right anyway. In that kind of environment, I think I would’ve shot him. Also, we were higher ranking than him, so I think that she would’ve shot Omi.

Why Fuji Shooting Omi Would Have Made Sense In Shōgun

Fuji smiles at Blackthorne in Shogun season 1 ep 10 (FINALE)
Image via Hulu/FX

Hoshi’s belief that Fuji would have shot the young samurai makes sense, as she had been asked by Lord Toranaga to be a loyal servant to John. Because of his demands that he keep his guns, and his word being superior to any others in her eyes, she would have done anything in order to protect him and the weapons he didn’t want to give away. This includes laying down her life, which very well might have happened if she’d shot Omi and his soldiers reacted by trying to kill her.

This moment also helps make Fuji a much different person in John’s eyes, as he understands her role better. Because of this, a friendship forms between the two, one that lasts right through the end of Shōgun when she leaves his side to become a nun. Even though she didn’t shoot Omi, the moment still provided an important turn for her character that made it clear how far she’d go to keep John and his guns safe. The moment also helped show how, regardless of role, people would do whatever is necessary for the sake of their system.

While it’s unclear if Fuji will reappear in the planned Shōgun season 2, her role in the story served a meaningful purpose that could only be properly illustrated through her threat to Omi. Perhaps she could still make an appearance as a nun, revealing how she’s kept this similar attitude in her newfound role, albeit embracing her honor in more peaceful ways. No matter her future in the show, though, it’s clear this was a defining moment for her character that helped establish the lengths she’ll go to for loyalty.