This year’s D23 was packed with reveals about Marvel Studios‘ live-action projects, including the first teaser trailers for several upcoming shows. Among them was ‘Daredevil: Born Again,’ which showcased a range of characters, including the villain Muse and White Tiger. A surprising addition is Yusuf Khan, Kamala Khan’s father, set to appear in the show.

Fans were taken aback by the show’s connection to Ms. Marvel, but the biggest shock was the studio’s decision to bring back the actor despite ongoing sexual harassment allegations.

Yusuf Khan, portrayed by Mohan Kapur, has appeared in two MCU projects, ‘Ms. Marvel’ and ‘The Marvels.’ However, in 2022, shocking allegations against him emerged online. An anonymous Twitter user, @Nayaaaax3, shared her story on the platform, quickly drawing significant attention.

“TW: When I was 14 years old, I was a fan of this serial actress & we became friends. Her partner at that time Mohan Kapur also became friends with me. I respected the both of them almost like 2nd parents, & told them about my stressful life. But Mohan Kapur took advantage of me.”

“We constantly talked until I notice he started flirting with me. Then when I was 15 years old Mohan Kapur sent his d**k pics to me. He was apologizing nonstop & was depressed…. I forgave him. But after that he continued to harass me….

Said things like how he was in love with me, wanted to marry me, wanting me to grow up to be with him, and can’t wait for me to get older so I can sleep with him. Now I know that Mohan Kapur was grooming me.”

“His partner (now ex) knew the type of man he was…. She was aware that he was talking to me. When I met her in person, I told her everything that was happening. A year later I stopped talking to her after she started gaslighting me. I was so depressed about this situation….

She told me how “I threw my baggage on her”…. I really truly felt that this woman didn’t care at all for what Mohan Kapur was doing to me…”

“I was so confused & depressed…. I’m not sure if it’s Stockholm syndrome “or what but I kept on thinking that all of this was my fault… and kept on wanting to be his friend again. I kept on thinking that he really truly cared about me… but he didn’t.

My depression got worst & I was planning to take my own life…. I kept on calling Mohan Kapur… he ignore my calls… and at times told me to get over it. Then completely twist the whole story to make me look like the bad person… he kept on saying that he can’t trust me…”

“The last time I talked to Mohan Kapur was 2020 and I was crying… I said I really can’t take any of this anymore…. Hoping that he would apologize & understand the trauma he had cause. Instead he told me that he can’t trust me and the only way he can trust me again is if….

She also posted a conversation with Kapur, which revealed his rationale for asking her to send explicit nude images.

@Nayaaaax3: “Why did you ask me to send you nudes”

Kapur: “To keep as proof your intentions. You have misconstrued our conversations to make it sound that I was sexually harassing you. I have all the stuff myself too. I don’t say things cause that’s not what friends do. And I won’t either”

As you can see, the allegations against Kapur were quite serious, but ultimately, there have been no updates or legal consequences, and we can only speculate that the claims might have been unfounded, given that Kapur has appeared in one project since then and is set to appear in another.

While Kapur may not face legal repercussions, he is still judged by public opinion. When the ‘Daredevil: Born Again’ footage was released, many fans took to social media to criticize Marvel Studios for hiring someone with potential allegations of sexual misconduct.

Some fans noted that while Majors lost his role as Kang the Conqueror, Kapur retained his role as Yusuf Khan. However, it’s important to recognize that allegations and actual convictions are fundamentally different and shouldn’t be directly compared.

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