Originally released in 2003, Knights of the Old Republic is one of the most beloved parts of the Star Wars franchise. With a unique story that prioritizes player choice, the first game in the series follows Revan as they choose the path of light or dark. Specifically, memory wipes and brainwashing were a massive part of this story, central to the conflict between Revan and the Jedi.
Memory Wipes & Brainwashing Were At The Heart Of KOTOR
Revan Had Their Past Stripped From Them By The Jedi
One of the biggest twists of the Knights of the Old Republic story was that Revan, the character that players have been roleplaying throughout the game, was once a powerful Sith. For a while, this was one of the biggest twists in all of gaming, and it is often remembered for how well this specific part of the story is written and executed. It is also revealed that the reason Revan did not remember this massive part of their life was because the Jedi not only had their memory wiped, but used the Force to brainwash them as well.
The two of them both examine the pitfalls the Jedi can fall into in their battle to defend the light side of the Force.
This memory wipe was juxtaposed against the player’s conception of the Jedi, characters that have helped them along their journey but were still complicit in ripping away Revan’s past and personality for their own gain. In doing this, Knights of the Old Republic explores similar themes to The Acolyte. The two of them both examine the pitfalls the Jedi can fall into in their battle to defend the light side of the Force.
The Acolyte Has Explored Memory Wipes From The Start
Qimir Was The First To Mention Memory Wipes
Although The Acolyte‘s most notable use of memory wipes occurs in the season finale when The Stranger wipes Mae’s memory, it was actually first mentioned much earlier than that. In The Acolyte episode 2 “Revenge/Justice,” The Stranger, while posing as Qimir, asks the Jedi not to wipe his memory or “whatever it is they do.” Considering that it was revealed in the finale that this is something The Stranger is capable of doing, this moment directly foreshadows what happens in the finale.
Until now, the only time a Force power similar to this was used in canon actually occured in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. In season 3, episode 17 “The Ghost of Mortis,” the Father uses the Force to completely erase any memory of becoming Darth Vader from Anakin Skywalker’s mind. Aside from this, any use of the Force to completely erase one’s memories has gone unutilized.
Will The Acolyte Season 2 Go Further With Memory Wipes?
And What Will Mae’s Memory Loss Mean For Her Future?
Going forward, using a Force power as future-altering as wiping someone’s memories could have serious repercussions. After all, when Revan was brainwashed, it directly led them on their path to dismantling Darth Malak’s plans to build the Sith Empire. While the player can still choose for Revan to fall to the dark side once again, it does not change the fact that they are put in direct opposition with their one-time ally.
Whether Mae follows a similar path to that of Revan remains to be seen. What does seem to be for certain is that, while Osha is following her path from light to dark, Mae seems to be following the opposite path from dark to light. With any luck, The Acolyte season 2 will build on this memory wipe, showing Mae’s journey as she potentially joins the Jedi in Osha’s place and follows in the footsteps of Revan.
All episodes of The Acolyte are now streaming on Disney+.