If they could find it, there is still hope for the rest of us.
Game of Thrones has been many things, but one thing it has certainly not been is a story of love and romance. The show, arguably even more so than George R.R. Martin’s books, had many examples of the most twisted and heartbreaking relationships with very bad endings. And yet, there have been few glimpses of true love sprinkled throughout.
Here are 8 Game of Thrones couples who managed to stay as healthy as possible in the most disturbing environment of Westeros.
Tyrion Lannister and Shae
Even though their love story ended in a tragic betrayal, there was no doubt in the viewers’ minds that what they had was very sweet and real. Since Tyrion didn’t have many people who could appreciate him for who he is, Shae was his only chance at happiness, and that only made their breakup more heartbreaking.
They both made their mistakes, but her loyalty to him was real for the longest time, and the way he broke her heart to protect her was the only thing that separated them. Were it not for the war, they could have had their happy ending.
Ned Stark and Catelyn Tully

Their marriage was never one of passionate love, but he remained truly devoted to his wife and the family they had built together over the years. Ned Stark was first and foremost a man of honor, and he could not reveal the secret of Jon’s paternity even to his wife, which ended up being the biggest flaw in their marriage.
Still, such unconditional love and such a strong bond is not something every marriage has, and compared to other couples, the Starks have always stood out the most.
Loras Tyrell and Renly Baratheon

Though they both had to hide their relationship, they seemed happy together and could have had a good life with Margaery’s help.
Given how few heterosexual couples on the show have had a chance at love, it would have been foolish to expect a happy ending for Loras and Renly. Fortunately, thanks to fanfiction, there is still a way to ignore the events of the show, pretend the war never happened, and enjoy the love they had for each other without the risk of sudden death.
Missandei and Grey Worm

Another couple who never really had a chance to live a long and happy life together, given how dangerous their positions were, are Missandei and Grey Worm. If it weren’t for Daenerys’ decision to take back the Iron Throne herself, they would never have met, and they would never have experienced the purest love there is.
Sure, due to Grey Worm’s condition, they couldn’t be as intimate as any other couple, but perhaps that’s what made them stand out the most among the endless scenes of nudity and borderline pornography the show has had.
Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth

Don’t get us wrong, there are still a lot of messed up things in this couple’s story, but Jamie Lannister’s personal growth and the way his relationship with Brienne stood in contrast to his toxic romance with Cersei is what made it so popular with viewers.
Brienne was the best thing that happened to Jaime in his entire life, which made his final decision to leave her and be with his sister one of the worst twists in Game of Thrones’ disappointing finale. These two deserved better, and the writers violently ruined everything they could be.
Robb Stark and Talisa Maegyr

Though their romance was short-lived and ended in the tragedy of the Red Wedding, Robb and Talisa were truly made for each other. Meeting on a battlefield in the worst possible environment, they butted heads and stood their ground before falling in love and making their union official.
Unfortunately, it was the power of love that got them both killed. Blinded by the power of his emotions, Robb decided to break the marriage contract he already had. Well, at least they both died on the same day and hopefully got a chance to see each other again in the afterlife.
Jon Snow and Ygritte
Jon and Ygritte were never meant to be together, so the show broke them up and, you guessed it, it all ended in tragedy. And yet, their romance was exactly what Game of Thrones needed to break Jon’s stoic character and give him some humanity. They were sweet together and had a connection that not many characters had.
The way they ended up fighting each other but not pulling the trigger just goes to show that no matter what, the feelings were very strong and never really went away.
Samwell Tarly and Gilly

Perhaps the only couple who actually got the ending they deserved was Sam and Gilly. The most unfortunate member of the Night’s Watch and a wildling girl who was violated by her own father and carried his child, they’ve suffered enough trauma throughout the series but stayed together no matter what.
No matter how much time has passed since the episodes aired, their moments together will always make viewers blush and giggle at how cute they were, even in the most gruesome universe.